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Boycott the referendum?

One of the better commentaries I’ve seen on the constitutional referendum – the process has turned into nothing more than an opportunity to settle old scores and ignore pressing matters facing the country (and resuscitate political careers that were in the dustbin…I mean what the hell are the likes of Henry Kosgei and Musalia Mudavadi […]

Still dodging a post on the referendum…

– Have a tech idea that you think could be the basis of a start-up? Checkout Start-up School (podcasts will be available). Hat tip SJ!

– Beautifully written post on a visit to the visa desk at the UK High Commission in Nairobi.

– Mobile phones create a “cyber-currency” and revolutionize micro-lending in […]

Techie stuff

First, an interesting WSJ piece on Microsoft’s effort to catch up with the likes of Google.

Second, an uber-interesting idea by Philip Greenspun – the mobile phone as a home PC . Given the ever-growing rates of mobile penetration in Africa, I wonder whether this could this be the solution to the continent’s digital […]


Have been enjoying non-cybercafe high speed internet access today. Some finds from my binge (and yes I’m kinda dodging a more substantive post on the referendum).

– Get your T-shirt on at Jamhuri Wear.

– You can buy Swahili comic books at Amazon.

– Bankelele is featured in a World Bank blog.


Kenyan Blogs Round-up

Cross-posted at Global Voices.

Technology Review’s Top 35 Under 35

http://techreview.com/articles/05/10/issue/feature_tr35.asp […]

Cronyism George Bush Style

http://michellemalkin.com/archives/003576.htm […]

Binyavinga featured in September’s National Geographic

http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0509/feature2/index.html […]