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Random observations for the day

– I’ve ranted about Jeffrey Sachs and his grandiose ideas before, but watching him wax poetically on poverty and Africa on CNN the other day got me all riled up again. Why does this man (and his ideas) have more access to MY government than I do? Can someone please point me to a ONE (or even) two of his success stories?

– The two best Kenchic joints in Nairobi (in my humble opinion) – the one near Tacos (I have to make concerted efforts to avoid landing there EACH and every time I’m in town) and the one near Ambassador hotel.

– So Kenyans are very neat people, when walking around town I rarely see anyone with clothes “that look like they’ve been chewed by a cow” (to quote my mother).

These guys were featured on a weekly TV show on the local arts scene about a week or two ago. They rock…definitely the pulse of Kenya’s urban youth.

4 comments to Random observations for the day

  • bankelele

    Can’t believe I missed you at KC Ambassador

    Kumbe, you also know this spot. My mouth is watering as I write this. The next lunch should be there.

  • lwandamagere


    We miss you stateside but it sounds like you’re havin’ a ball over there. Speaking of random observations, you know about http://www.writely.com? Thought it would ticke your IT fancy bone. Keep the stories coming.


  • sunrise

    the reason why Jeffrey Sachs is popular among the aid brigade is that he champions their cause. not only is he a brilliant mind, he has also worked for the establishment so he knows what buttons to push, but most of all, he champions the cause for aid. he happens to be the darling of the MPH (make proverty history) campaign which in some opinions is a multi billion pound business that relies on people like Sachs, Bono, Geldoff to keep their issues popular, the goodwill of people in western nations horror struck by images of starving africans (humanitarian porn i hear its called- or something like that) to shame governments into giving aid (of course on condition that it is managed by the very same people). imagine if word got round that africans dont need increased aid, but wealth creation (quelle horreur!!!). so spare the man for a second, he helps keep alot of people in pajeros.
    by the way have you checked out http://www.pambazuka.org? you were reviewed in the blog section a week or so ago.

    Thanks for your comment…spot on (and the pambazuka heads up, didn’t know about that). As for Sachs, I’m still waiting for someone to point out a single success story of his…other than the ability to BS your way to the top.

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