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Poptech Day 1 cont…

Session 2 is now underway. Here’s info on the session: We’ll look at the scientific race quietly underway to develop life, molecule by molecule, from scratch in a test-tube. Presenting are Norman Packard and Theo Jansen. Norman Packard is the CEO and co-founder of ProtoLife (www.protolife.net, which is trying to construct cells from non-living material. Theo Jansen makes creatures, or rather, skeletons that walk in wind. On his website (www.strandbeest.com) you can look at a photo gallery of his various creatures (definitely check this out…the human brain is amazing I tell you)

Other folks liveblogging the conference (much more comprehensively than I am) – Ethan Zuckerman, Dina Mehta, Stay of Execution, Sam Perry (Bayosphere).

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