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I’ve been too busy “nikijienjoy”this holiday season (and lazy) to blog, hopefully my brain will begin functioning sometime soon. I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and wish y’all a prosperous new year. In the meantime, some cool geek stuff I’ve come across recently.

– Alexa: Think of it as a Google […]

What is ailing Kenyan journalism Part III?

Spurred on by more comments…

I’d like to start be revisiting a line in Gukira’s post that inspired Pt. I: “We have long complained that the Western press presents “rubbish stories,” indifferent to “real issues.” Is the Kenyan press no less complicit?” It’s been interesting to see some of the comments citing the same reasons […]

What is ailing Kenyan Journalism Pt. II?

Some more interesting / thought-provoking stuff from the comments section.. .my response to some of the issues raised is in bold.

Acolyte: Speak of the devil. Starting a paper may not be hard but keeping it running will be hard,the advertising pie in kenya is not all that large. Kenyan Pundit:True.

Acolyte:Let me […]

We are peculiar people…

…we are Kenyans.

By the way, the Daily Nation now has RSS feeds. Hat tip Mental!

What is ailing Kenyan journalism?

Gukira’s post on the amnesia of Kenyan press is very thought-provoking. He raises a very important question: “We have long complained that the Western press presents “rubbish stories,” indifferent to “real issues.” Is the Kenyan press no less complicit?”

I think the Kenyan press is no less complicit and it is time that they […]

Global Voices Conference

For those you are interested in following the discussion, the event will be webcast here.

Still not ‘getting’ London…I keep feeling like I’m getting jacked every time I open my wallet. How do you UK-based folks survive in this place? So far the only redeeming things about the city are good sandwiches/sandwich shops, English […]

Kenyan Pundit turns two!!

Actually this is a little belated. I’ve been been at this for a little over two years (some of my my earliest posts). Still can’t believe I’m going.

I’ll take this moment to send out a special request to my readers and Kenyan bloggers who are based in Nairobi . Are you interested in helping […]

In London…

First I want to know why getting a UK visa is such an ordeal. This place is grey, miserable, and freaking EXPENSIVE. I’m almost scared I’ll be charged to breathe. For real. I think every tourist visiting Kenya should be made to go through the ordeal that Kenyans go through.

Then Kibaki has managed […]