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Links galore…

Couple of neat things I’ve come across lately (and yes this is a cop-out post).

– Project Vibe, great online radio site especially if you are a soul head.

– Artsite Africa “Artsite Africa seeks to provide an ever growing and meticulously maintained repository of news and information, illuminating the rich heritage and […]

Welcome to our world…

So this was supposed to be a quick jaunt to the cyber cafe sans a blog post, but I’m still here an hour and a half later after trying to catch up with emails and some random surfing…and I just read something via Meskel Square that is worthy of a quick post.

Andrew linked […]

100 Things You Didn’t Know This Time Last Year

For the trivia people.

Happy New Year!

Regular blogging should resume soon (including a segment on breathalyzers or what Kenyans are calling “Vuta pumzi”) and, due to popular demand, the Kenyan Journalism series will continue.

In the meantime, a mini rant. WTF? Ati, “Prof Mack said the artefacts were either bought by the British or given as gifts to missionaries. Britain […]