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Quick hits…

It’s a rainy lazy day in SF which means I’ve spent most of the afternoon indoors catching up with my RSS feeds and supposedly trying to clear my backlog of work. I’d like to think that this post represented some productivity.

– Unganisha is back with tales from Kampala.

– AfroMusing has a great round-up […]

TED Last Day

I fell-off the blogging bandwagon yesterday and this morning…for great round-ups check out Ethan’s blog.

– My favorites from this morning. Sir Ken Robinson and Majora Carter.

– Neat link: The Blair Watch Project (I’d love to see this happen in the 2007 elections).

TED Day 3 – Session 1

Theme: Tales of Invention

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.” – Winston Churchill

1) Speaker: Dr. Amy Smith (low-tech designer with MIT’s D-Lab).

– Another profile of her at World Changing . – About 2 million kids die from respiratory diseases caused by indoor smoke from burning charcoal/wood when cooking. […]

TED Global: Africa!

Been in the works for the last few months and finally announced at TED.

When I was on the PopTech Africa panel last year, one of the things I brought up was a desire to see a Poptech-like event in Africa. Unbeknownst to me at the time, a couple of TED staffers who were […]

TED Prize Winners

This year’s TED Prize Winners

1. Cameron Sinclair (Director Architecture for Humanity and Eternal Optimist). – All problems are local, all solutions are local. – Focus is on social responsible design. – They have a staff of just three – shows the power of a website. Started with $700 and a website. – They advocate […]

TED Day 2 – Session 3

1) Speaker: Michael Shermer (publisher of Skeptic magazine – love it!, author, lecturer). – For more background read “Why People Believe Weird Things?” Kind of like the print version of Mythbusters (anyone watch that show…what a day job!). – His presentation was not really blogabble..but pretty neat about how easy it is to fool human […]

TED Day 2 – Session 2

Theme: The World Flattens

1. Speaker One: Roger Mandle – First slide featured Juliet Serem a Kenyan student a RISD – she represented the future ” a citizen of the world” and Tom Friedman’s the world is flat. – Design for the future is about responsible and responsive design. Also design as process, education, art […]

TED Day 2 – Session 1

First, Ethan and Bruno are also liveblogging TED and doing a much more comprehensive job than I am so be sure to check them out.

Then yesterday, I forgot to mention Jeff Han and his uber-cool multi-touch interaction thingy. Be sure to check out the video.

The first session was focused on life sciences. […]