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TED Prize Winners

This year’s TED Prize Winners

1. Cameron Sinclair (Director Architecture for Humanity and Eternal Optimist).
– All problems are local, all solutions are local.
– Focus is on social responsible design.
– They have a staff of just three – shows the power of a website. Started with $700 and a website.
– They advocate for good design; they instigate; they implement.
– His role is a conduit between the design world and the humanitarian crisis.
– Open source model e.g. designs in the developing world licensed with a special Creative Commons license that allows it to be replicated anywhere for free.
– His mantra: Design like you give a damn

2) Jehane Noujaim (Filmmaker)
– Thinks that as the world becomes smaller it is really important to learn from each other/building bridges. The biggest challenge facing the world is understanding the other.
– How to make this a reality? The power of the image. Connecting people through film – getting independent voices out there. How do you give power to independent voices to tell their stories?
– Her wish: Global Day of Film – platform for independent films to get out there and have a global audience; bringing the world together through film

3) Dr. Larry Brilliant
– His TED wish is to build an early global warning system to protect against pandemics.

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