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Githongo at Cato

Real audio of the speech available here.

Coverage by Kenyan bloggers in attendance here and here. Asanteni!

AOB: The PAC report on Anglo-leasing can be downloaded here (kudos Nation!), and it’s good to see business people in Kenya getting familiar with protests, you can’t have change without some form of engagement.


Quick hits

What did we used to do before RSS again???

– So Charles Taylor has been captured and that’s excellent news but I would have liked to see more balanced coverage of the story as far as Nigeria’s role. As Chippla points out, “Without a doubt, the Nigerian government was pissed off by such a move […]

Progress in Kenya ICT sector?

After numerous fits and starts, it looks like we could be making progress. A new initiative has been launched to make Kenya the ICT capital of Africa by 2010. Those of you who are based in the diaspora and are interested in participating in this initiative can join the diaspora task force.

The Ministry […]


Wishful thinking = wanting this to become like this.

Vote now!

Since we’re all about less ranting and more action, please put your mouse where your mouth is Target is 300 votes by April 20, as of this morning 56 people had voted. Let’s help make this happen.


Congregation of Fools

I’m not sure how else to characterize the current Parliament.

No wonder we have such an escapist President…who would want to deal with such imbeciles?

Oh gosh, I guess I was about due for a rant.

Here we go… So Parliament resumed yesterday.

And it didn’t take long for the tragedy that is Kenyan […]

Quick hits

Apologies for the blogging infrequency – combination of numerous deadlines and mindblock….

On to the link-a-rama.

– Parliament resumes tomorrow sans website, they can learn a thing or two from the Constituency Development Fund website which is rather impressive as far as Kenyan government websites go. – I keep saying it takes two to tango […]

Kenyans foiled again

(although their love for political gossip and “siasa” makes them abettors).

That the government can go to great (shoddy) lengths to orchestrate the mercenary press conference saga may suggest that they are well attuned to Kenyans’ infamous political amnesia.

Or am I giving them too much credit?

Anglo-leasing? Goldenberg arrests? Moody resigning? Constitution? Standard […]