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Vote now!

Since we’re all about less ranting and more action, please put your mouse where your mouth is :-) Target is 300 votes by April 20, as of this morning 56 people had voted. Let’s help make this happen.

Vote for the African Technology Manifesto!

3 comments to Vote now!

  • Thanks for the help Ory. You’ve already helped a ton, bumping the count up to 75 last time I looked. We’re now in first place as far as votes go. Of course, position doesn’t matter, only that you get a total of 300 votes.

    Also, on the voting page there is the chance to email the nomination to a friend, so there’s another option for getting the word out.

    thanks again,


    You’re Welcome!

  • “We’re all about less ranting and more action”

    Yea! In the political blogosphere they’re always talking about the “netroots” and there really is something to it. With blogs connections say here in the USA can be relevant to actions in Kenya and elsewhere. It’s the connections that make a difference.

    I’m so happy you’re behind this because the whole process opens up the importnat discussion of making ICT mean something on the ground across Africa. Thanks.

  • […] ica Kenya, South Africa, Technology Global Roundups Kenyan Pundit calls on African bloggers to vote for the Africa Network project – the target needed is 300 so still nearly 240 to go. […]