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Safaricom recruiting in the U.S. and U.K

This landed in my in box today:

Safaricom is looking for Kenyans working in the US and the UK who would be interested in meeting us to discuss career prospects especially Engineers, however, we will meet any other professional Kenyans who are interested in returning home to work. We will be going to Birmingham, UK […]

Parliament’s legislative agenda

Kenya’s parliament resumed today. We posted the lengthy legislative agenda for the upcoming year over at Mzalendo, along with commentary on the bills where we could locate anything. Over the next few months, we hope to incorporate a bill tracker on to the site and introduce features that will allow Mzalendo users to discuss the […]

Apologies for the lack of posting

…been busy working on updating Mzalendo (check out the latest updates and have you linked to us yet?) so that we can start keeping these fat lazy cats in check.

Quick Hits: Africa Special

– New blog from Tanzania that will be featuring recipes from Tanzania and other countries. Can’t wait. Hat tip Jikomboe!

– Budding African podcasters could use this. It allows podcasters to transmit their work on FM. Hat tip Jikomboe!

– Are African governments finally getting switched on to the potential of the African blogosphere […]

Mzalendo addendum

Please help support Mzalendo by linking to it and giving us free much-needed PR. Hat tip Kikuyumoja!

Edit: Tagline as per Bankelele’s request – Keeping An Eye on the Kenyan Parliament or Kenyan Parliament Watch (or Eye on Robbers hehehe).


It’s still VERY much in beta and a work in progress,but I think it’s time to reveal one of the things that I and one Thinker have been working on in the last couple of months. Mzalendo. You’ve all read my rants about the lack of access to information about Kenyan parliamentarians, and this is […]

Open Source radio show on remittances

From Radio Open Source folks. I know there are many of you out there who have something to add to this discussion (note show is this Thursday so get on it). If you are interested in participating in the show, please email Brendan: brendan-at-radioopensource.org You can also leave your comments at this link .


Victim in Zuma’s rape case speaks out

Click here for the full interview.