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Link of the week

The Web Bandit (Living the Nairobi Life).


I’m still on my blogging drought (or is it blog-menopause? TM Nick 2006).

Cool link of the week: coCooment, tracks all your comments wherever you leave them online andtracks responses to your comments.

Why donor funded projects often suck. Wouldn’t it have been simpler / more sensible to just have the Ministry of Justice […]

Quick hits

– Computer for all Nigerians Initiative. Sound promising.

– Korogocho (slum in Nairobi area) goes online. Even more interesting (and relevant for residents of Korogocho) is the launch of Koch FM, a community radio station. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get a collabo going between KBW and such initiatives e.g. maybe helping […]

On hospitality in Africa

Digression….so I’ve been on a bit of a blogging slow-go. Combination of work, tinkering with ideas for Mzalendo, and bloggers block/ geek-depression because my Mac crashed while I was trying to do some sql-related stuff and got cute. Hopefully my mojo will be back sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, I came across […]

Global Voices Sub-Sahara Africa Regional Editor

Global Voices Online (www.GlobalVoicesOnline.org), an international bloggers’ network, is looking for an experienced blogger to take on the role of Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Editor which involves coverage of the vast diversity of countries and cultures across the region.

This is a part-time position with modest compensation, for somebody who is passionate about helping to amplify […]