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We Media Miami 2007

The next We Media Conference is being held at the University of Miami, February 8-9, 2007, with major support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The dual themes will be connecting digital services to physical communities – and how to finance those digital services.

Scholarships are available, deadline to apply is

    November 3, 2006


To apply for a fellowship, send an e-mail to gloria@ifocos.org, with:

I. “We Media Fellowship Application” in the subject line.
II. Your name, title, organizational affiliation and contact information at the top.
III. A statement of no more than 500 words that includes:

1) What does “community” mean to you in a connected world?
2) How might communications and digital media services be used or improved to enhance real, physical communities?
3) What do you hope to get out of attending?

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