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TED Africa’s Speakers List

A sneak preview into what’s shaping up to be an amazing line-up (including yours truly…hehehe).

Take Back the Tech Campaign – Show your Support

The Take Back the Tech Campaign has been launched in conjunction with the global 16 Days Against Violence Campaign. The Campaign is being used to highlight ways in which technology can be used to either perpetuate or prevent violence against women. For details on how to participate, click here.

A friend of mine had […]

East African Marine System (TEAMS) Update

Via FibreAfrica mailing list:

– The expression of interest to package local funding closed on November 8th. The financing for 40% of the project is expected to come from the stock market. To read the advertised tender (and other upcoming tenders) click here. – Shares are expected to be cross-listed in the 3 East […]

Mama Mikes on You Tube

My good friend Seg has had an “interesting” time navigating the challenges of being a young entrepreneur in Kenya. It makes me very proud to see that he’s managed to avoid getting beat down (no easy task) and continues to stay innovative. Please check out the Mama Mike’s ad on YouTube and give them your […]

More quick hits…

– Looks like Bitange Ndemo is answering questions regarding EASSY on Mashada. Wow! A must read. Even had diaspora folk flummoxed

– The governor of Cross River State in Nigeria has a blog. It’s quite informative. Hat tip Banks!

– For techies (and if you’re interested in a nifty mobile instant messaging app that […]

Quick Hits

China’s African adventure (NYTimes Magazine piece).

– Phonezoo – find and share ringtones.

– Spurred on by the debate around the lack of diversity at blogging indaba in Grahamstown, Tanzania bloggers hold a virtual conference.

Nini hii?

Only in Kenya can these headlines run simultaneously…

– Water rationing to continue in Nairobi. Why hasn’t the Sasamua dam been repaired since freaking 2003?

– State appeals for 500 million Kshs to assist flood victims.

Developments in Kenya’s ICT sector

I was reading through the latest edition of the Computing Connections newsletter and couldn’t helped but be impressed by a number of developments in the ICT sector. Hard to believe that as recently as 2003, wi-fi and VOIP was illegal in Kenya.

Though there is still much progress to be made, the landscape […]