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African blog spotlight of the week

Two recent finds that I enjoy. Both blogging from Uganda:

1. Jackfruity

2. Communist Socks and Boots.

John Githongo’s blog

So John Githongo decided to make his latest revelations on Anglo-Leasing via his blog. There’s a whole lot the typical smoke and mirrors from the government combined with the sensationalism from the local media that has become par for course with the Anglo-Leasing story. I am going to focus on something that struck me as […]

Follow-Up on Mama Mikes post

I promised to follow up on the interesting comments around entrepreneurship in Kenya that were sparked by my post on Mama Mikes by “interviewing” the founder of the company – Segeni Ng’ethe.

While reading Seg’s responses I was struck by how simple it would be to address some of his issues e.g. setting up […]

On turning 30…

First, thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day.

Yes, like many of you said, age is just a number but I think 30 is one of those milestone birthdays. Three decades is quite a substantial bit of time to have spent in this world. […]

Happy Birthday to me!

The big 3-0.


Hopefully, I will have something more introspective to write later on.

Quick hits

– Imnakoya comments on Black Looks post on poor links among African bloggers. I used to do a lot of his point one i.e. link to other Kenyan/African bloggers at least every couple of days, but this habit dropped off as I got busier and spent less time blogging. I will do my best to […]

Five things “meme”

Ethan, I’m only doing this for you. Really.

And I have been dreading it for over a week…I’m sure that folks who’ve tagged me before know that I’m a notorious “tag dodger” (blame Googling). I even thought about appealing but once Ndesanjo folded I knew there was no hope

On to the list: […]

Kenya’s Mobile Revolution

Catch BBC’s webcast on the mobile phone revolution in Kenya (Hat tip Sameer!).

AOB: The Acumen Fund is now accepting applications for fellowships – deadline is Jan 31, 2007. They are a great organization doing interesting work and for those of you MBA-types who are thinking about how to make the leap from corporate America […]