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I’ll be going on a hiatus of sorts.

The reason?

Impending motherhood.

Yes, I will soon be Mama Kenyan Pundit.

And to a slightly lesser extent, Telkom SA’s unwillingness to install ADSL in my new abode almost two months after I filed a request – the power of monopoly.

How do I feel? Excited, […]

African Blog of the Week

Startups in Kenya -“all about entreprenuership, start-ups, venture capitalist, and netpreneurs in Kenya.”

Includes such gems such as a guide to setting up a rural cyber cafe from an entrepreneur’s perspective (beats your average NGO-produced guide to “bridging the digital divide”). Just wish he’d blog more…but maybe he’s busy being an entrepreneur


Foreign correspondents

Ethan’s recent post entitled “300 foreign correspondents overseas. And 3,000 in Washington DC?” made for interesting reading. The post was inspired by an Open Source show entitled “The End of the Foreign Correspondent?”

In my opinion, the problem of cutbacks in staffing foreign bureaus is compounded by the focus on the same old gloom and […]

Quick Hits

– New model for wireless internet?

– On why telling a black person thatthey are “articulate” is not a compliment.

– 2008 aspirants get their blog on.

– Interesting model for smaller scale VC funding – something like this would be easy to implement in Kenya.

Things that make you hmmm…

… maybe it’s just me, but I find it curious that youth from Korogocho can effectively organize and demonstrate against high food prices (and other injustices) at the World Social Forum that was recently held in Nairobi, yet their local Member of Parliament gets away with being AWOL.

What gives?