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Gabriella 2.5 weeks


Originally uploaded by ateka.

11 comments to Gabriella 2.5 weeks

  • Rista

    Vewwi pweety :smile: Congrats. May her parents be all she could ever wish for (even thru adolescence), and may she be all y’all could ever want in a daughter.

  • anonymous

    Hello Baby Gabby!!!

    Ory I wonder if you will stay committed to social justice. Baby Gabriella is tough compe for mother’s attention :)….(and ours). It goes without saying that Gabby is a bona fide celebrity. Cheers.

  • KG

    oohh soo cute…as all babies should be…

  • Congratulations! what a cute baby. Hope you are all well.

  • Gabriella is beautiful. I love your blog and am wishing you much joy amongst your many wakeful hours.


  • KM

    Awwwww! Such a sweetie…Very beautiful and bright eyes, hehe! does she have those eyes that follow you around the room mpaka you go “eh, Ok! take everything, don’t shoot!” . And yummy cheeks. Hehhe! Such you just want to umm, sorta bite/pinch….no, I’m not a cannibal, *smh* just saying I like baby cheeks is all.
    Hey KP. I hope kila kitu is going great with you and baby Gabriella, and all of yours.
    The best to you once again!

  • Hoseah

    It is wonderful to see the new joy in your life.

  • Ore

    Hello Ory,

    I’m working on an article on how African women are using blogs to promote gender equity and empower themselves, and am trying to get information directly from African women who blog on issues that are of particular relevance to other women on the continent.

    I would really appreciate it if you could take some time to answer the following questions (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=315773581407).
    I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have (oreblogging@yahoo.com)

    Thank you for your time.

    Oreoluwa Somolu

    Blogs for African Women (BAWo):

  • mwafrica

    Show your face. you’re cute going by the BBC pic i saw. lets see more of that smile

  • Princess

    Awww…she is adorable!!