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Free SMS in Kenya

On the heels of free wireless (for some only apparently), there’s a free sms promotion going on at this website.

EDIT: Looks like the promotion is now over.

EDIT 2 (June 15): The website is back up.

Mzalendo needs participant for reuters interview

See details here.

Free wireless in Nairobi

Apparently KDN is offering free wi-fi in Nairobi (think it’s a promotion for their Butterfly product). It’s supposed to last through the end of the month. If you have a wi-fi enabled laptop, PDA etc. just search for the essid butterfly and connect. They are supposed to have around 100 access points in Nairobi.


Gabi at 9 weeks

Gabi 9 weeks1 Originally uploaded by ateka.

She’s growing so fast! Pic was taken 3 weeks ago.

Quick hits!

– Presenting Jahazi (thanks Riyaz for initial heads up…man there’s lots of things buzzing in Nairobi, can’t wait to spend more time there). Can’t wait for it to go mobile and very happy to see Kenyan developers doing their thing.

– Also worth checking out, the Kenyan myspace – Nivipi.

– African blog spotlight: […]

More nostalgia…ASK show

Remember when you would count down days to the show?

I thought we had the coolest parents because we got to miss school to go to the show. My dad wasn’t into the idea of dealing with crowds so we became ASK members and went on members day, which was typically on a Thursday. […]


State of Kenyan journalism in a nutshell (check the headline).

Remember this?

I was having a conversation last night that took me way back to 8-4-4 Fasihi nightmares. Anyone remember Kusadikika aka Kusad? Can’t believe that was thirteen years ago!

Anyway, we spent a while trying to figure out which book contained the phrase “Mdundo wa highlife.” We figured it out eventually, but I’m curious to […]