– Does Safaricom Bambanet herald the dawn of affordable internet access in Kenya? Lets hope the connectivity speed matches up to the pricing. Users of the service, please let us know.
– No afro’s please, we’re a law firm. What the hell? I’m a bit sensitive to this issue being a black, afro-rocking, nose-ring wearing, woman who spent time working at a law firm that’s about as white shoe as it gets. I wasn’t rocking a ‘fro at the time, but a clean-shaven head (and hoops!)…which I guess also qualifies “political.” I did try and compensate for being “political” with Ann Taylor and Banana Republic..hehehe…my clad game was always on point. I remember wondering whether I needed to tone down my “political” look when I was interviewing with firms…I ended up deciding that any firm that had a problem with my look and that chose to focus on that rather than my abilities was not a place where I wanted to be anyway. A bit naive? Perhaps. But we all know that zungs get away with a lot stuff that’s a lot more unprofessional looking in my opinion (like khakis that look like, as my mum would say, they’ve just been spat out of a cow’s mouth). I had a point. I really did…
– Why the hell was Sisi Majitu so scary (there is a wikipedia entry on Majitu!)? I was thinking the other day, it was just a bunch of painted guys running around but it might have as well been Freddie Kruger as far as tois were concerned. Goes to show you what potential locally produced content has. The program came to mind when I was thinking about just how different Baby KP’s childhood will be from mine, with the Disney channel and the cartoon network and no neighbourhood kids and no bladah and no Kini Macho…it’s so ironic…I’ll be able to provide her with a lot of the material things I didn’t have growing up, but not the ability to leave the house and play outside with akina-nani…ati we’ll be of playdates and ish…very strange for the esto product that I am.
Side story: Sisi Majitu was filmed on one of my rela’s property in Maseno. He was an artist with a huge gallery on his property. Anyway, during one of our trips to my dad’s shags he took us over to visit. Me and my cousins were petrified all the way…it’s just that you didn’t negotiate with parents…we were convinced that majitus would attack us the minute we left the car We survived and lived to brag to our classmates when the hols were over.
Eh, this was supposed to be a quick hits post. I got a bit carried away.
abscence makes the heart grow fonder………you’re right Sisi Majitu is burned in to all our consciousness!!! What scared me most was the huge rocks that formed the backdrop of every scene, and the jitus would lie in wait behind them. To this day, big rocks and boulders bring back memories!!
It is so depressing that this black locks debate endures. I have a completely different take, as someone who is permanently with a short afro or almost clean shaven (my hubbie is my barber), African American women have a chip on their shoulder about their hair that I don’t understand, and far worse, most have subconsciously bought in to the idea that black natural hair is UGLY otherwise why would they get so bent out of shape every time White society expresses an opinion? Majority of the work settings in America accomodate ‘ethnic’ styles so it really is not that big of a deal, and if it is at your workplace then its probably not worth working there to begin with!!!!! This may be controversial but I was appalled by the hypocrisy that surrounded Don Imus’ condemnation due to the “nappy haired hos” comment. In my book, those enraged were done so more by “nappy hair” as opposed to “hos” (I don’t see Marchs on Washington Mall every time Ludacris or 50Cent et al release an album)!!!!!
Enough said, your comment about Gabriella is spot on i.e. what a different childhood she’ll have. To be honest, I have refused to come to terms with it, my daughter is 12 months old and one of the reasons I’m leaving the States is because I believe the material comforts will never be a good enough substitute for the social and cultural sacrifices. I accept she’ll never appreciate Kiini Macho or Sheera, but Lord knows I’ll do my best to introduce ‘Shake’, and ‘Blada’ and ‘Tapia ya Mkebe’ and my favourite ‘Rounders’
It would break my heart if she did not have the opportunity to play outside with the kids of the mtaa!
was it sis majiitu or land of majitu – i think sis majitu was the title song
You’re right, it was land of majitu.
Didn’t Nameless do a song on Majitu? haha
Had to comment on the majitu even if it is just to let you know that I can relate – I was terrified of and mesmerized by that show …
Thanks for the memories.
– Steve
@ Sijui: I appreciate your concerns regarding your child’s upbringing, and truly, Home is Best. However, recent visits home have rendered me speechless in how dull and materialistic the kids have become. We still live on the same street where I grew up, but the newest generation of kids is only interested in Nintendo, TV and other very “western” pursuits, which I’m not knocking, but without expensive equipment, those kids sit around like zombies in front of the tv. Perhaps the best thing about those kids is their appreciation that education is the key to improving their lot, and I think parents are playing a fantastic role in reinforcing this, otherwise, I was truly saddened by the lack of collective imagination among kids today- truly there wasn’t anyone that knew “shake” or “bladder” or even Rounders! Maybe I just need to let go of the glory days.
Ory, I was appalled when another Kenyan friend (I’m stateside) deemed my very tidy locks “too political” the night before my job interview (in a very conservative field) and suggested another hairstyle. Clearly, the only other hairstyle at that point in the evening would have been a close-shaven head, which, in my opinion, could be interpreted by whites as the more “militant” hairstyle…I considered it for a minute, then I decided, like you, that if my hair is the reason I’m not hired for this job, then it would clearly not be the place for me. I’m still mystified by my friend’s intentions – her comments were NOT helpful at all…
This bambanet thing is for the rich dudes….you have to be a postpaid subscriber…
Ory- YOU used to scare me with the whole Majitu thing I thought you were NOT AFRAID…..hahahah! I guess it comes wih the ‘first born’ territory.
Kenya would have been heaven for child molesters because we played out all day with little supervision and I can’t recall anyone going missing or being molested…can you imagine a kids face on the KCC Milk packets ati ‘Missing 5yr since 1988…” or Amber Alerts? Hmmm…those were good old days for real.
Am an avid reader of your (and other) Kenyan blogs and pop in once in a while to catch up on your insight/views etc. Strangely enough I work at the law firm you briefly worked in DC (linked above) though not as a lawyer and see your point (by the way Im male). I have seen several secretaries sporting ‘contoversial’ do’s so I think it may apply more to the associates/partners. Cov is still as lilly white and conservative as you left it. I had some kimasks in my office wall and that raised some eyebrows. Washenzi hawa…
Masks raising eyebrows ? That’s excessive…not sure how long I would have lasted…. That being said, I never got any negative vibes about my look.
@ David – Bambanet is for all. For post paid its Ksh1999.00 per month for 700Mb while for pre paid is Ksh12.50 per 10Mb. Do the calcs. I also hear (heresy isnt admissible in a court of law) that Telkom has unvailed another cheap internet connection called 955 for Ksh2500.00 unlimited 24/7 connection. Its the finer details that i dont know. If KPLC starts to carry fibre optic on its transmission lines in the CCK driven infrastructre sharing, costs will plummet to unprecedented lows if not free.:smile:
Why visitors still uuse to read news papers when in this technolopgical world the whople thing is existing on net?