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Election results update 8:15 am Dec 28

Sorry guys, I had to sleep for a few hours…it’s going to be another long night…and baby KP wakes up bright and early with many storos for me.

Only 5% of the results counted nationally.

OK, latest results for MP – some big guys gone done and the results confirmed a lot of the “lowly gossip” I was getting from guys.

– Funyula – Mood Awori out, Paul Otuuma out (confirmed
– Mukurweini – Kabando in, Kagwe out

– Bureti – Paul Sang out

– Emgwen – Lagat in over Tarus

– Mvita – Balala over Taib

– Baringo Central – Sammy Mwaita in, Gideon Moi out by big margin.

– Ugenya – Orengo in

-Juja – Thuo leading over Kabogo

– Nakuru Town – Lee Kinyanjui in

Kibaki leading Nairobi ,Central, Eastern, Raila the rest except no news from North Eastern.

North Eastern votes trickling in now, still no explanation about the delay.

9 comments to Election results update 8:15 am Dec 28

  • Alani

    Hi This is good inFormation. We can only see Nation’s totals per province ( except NE) For presidential votes and now the ka-pie chart shows how many seat per party. Standard is not helpFul @ all. Is there any other source we can get this inFor or is is only available in Kenya on TV? Frustrating to no end I tell you. Thanks For updating us

  • Bwansu

    Try KTN or jumptv. It’s midnight. Gonna go to bed too for a few hours sleep. Will be back shortly. Bless.

  • Eric

    Vice President Hon Moody Awori and ministers Mutahi Kagwe and Paul Sang emerged as the early casualties as vote counting for the hotly contested elections continued countrywide.

    Results broadcast on KTN showed that Awori lost the Funyula parliamentary seat to the ODM candidate, Dr Paul Otuoma, becoming the second time in Kenya’s history for a VP to lose a parliamentary seat. In 2002, Vice President Mr Musalia Mudavadi lost to Mr Moses Akaranga of Narc, a few months after he was appointed by President Moi. Uncle Moody as he is popularly known, has been Member of Parliament for Funyula constituency for the last 25 years, although his grip on Funyula politics spans over 45 years

    Information and Communications minister Mutahi Kagwe has lost to former chairman of Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company, Mr Kabando wa Kabando, of Safina party. Kagwe initiated many development projects in his Mukurweini constituency, both through the CDF concept and from his own initiative and it will puzzle many people how his opponent, Kabando wa Kabando pulled the carpet from under his feet.

    Health Minister Paul Sang has lost former State House Comptroller Mr Frankline Bett of ODM. Sang was appointed to the position just two months to the election after Kibaki’s ally and Health Minister, Charity Ngilu, declared her support for ODM presidential candidate Mr Raila Odinga.

    Other results show ODM Pentagon member Najib Balala has won the Mvita seat , beating former Mombasa mayor Taib Ali Taib. In Ugenya constituency, lawyer James Orengo will make a political come back after clinching the seat he lost in 2002.

    However the Electoral Commission of Kenya is yet to release the results. We will bring you more results soon.

  • Thanks so much for the updates!! It is 1.22 in DC and trying to get information has been frustrating!

    We have jumptv/kbc up on Kenyamoto and it is touch and go.

    thanks again,

  • diasporan

    hey pundit,
    thanks so much for sacrificing your time to post…..
    means a lot to us 11 hours away…

  • Nell Masore

    Hey! Have you had anything about Nyaribari Chache?

  • joe

    More casualties

    Nyachae -Nyaribari Chache
    Njenga Karume- Kiambaa
    3 Moi sons -Gideon,Jonathan,Raymond
    Musikari Kombo-Webuye – Alfred Sambu in
    Joseph Munyao-Mutula Kilonzo

    can’t get better than this!!

  • joe

    On last point, I meant Mutula Kilonzo IN- replaced Munyao in Mbooni

    Worried warriors awaiting their fate as indicated by preliminary figures and scuffles-Saitoti, Kibaki lieutenants in Nairobi (Maina Kamamnda, Beth Mugo, Betty Tett)

  • mzalendo

    Hi, Thanks for all the updates. Your website has been very helpful, especially since mainstream media is not posting information promptly. What is the current situation? When will results be announced? How many other constituencies are left to be tallied?