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Taking a break

At some point today I need to shower :-)

Relieving the family from cabin fever will be back in a couple of hours. If I can find a place in Nairobi that has TV, wireless, and is kiddie friendly updates will continue (taking recommendations).

15 comments to Taking a break

  • Ms K

    Pole I think I only know bars!! Not very impressive.

    Enjoy your break!

  • Ms K

    By the way, apparently Mukhisa Kituyi also down!

  • Mimi

    LOL…We appreciate you Ory I know you are enjoying every moment of this! Much love to the family….

  • Regina

    Loving it! without your posts I would have spent all my chums calling Kenya for updates.

  • Hassani

    Kalale upumzike kidogo. Hehe i slept just woke up i m glad to see Agwambo is still leading. Thx for the updates

  • Seems this is a ritual with all of us, following us even when we are not at home. I am far away but still stayed up, and I am still obsessing. Gone are the days when KBC was the only source, eh?

    Ory, some of our updates are a little different, please check it out

  • BeleagueredIvyLeaguer

    You have earned your break! Now please if Baby KP would cooperate when you get back so we can ride this thing out:) The most exciting part just began since the Tsunami is subsiding and the fuller list of casualties is emerging .

    The elite western press is clearly focusing on the chaos but buttressing those claims with denials by ECK. I take it they were ready for a bloodbath. NYT, Reuters, AP still telling the stale stories of pre-electation violence. Washington Post is slightly positive, looking ahead. Allafrica has what looks like a varied overtone of said violence and rigging claims. oh, well, we can’t win wit these guys I guess..

    When you can, and if you have the inside track, could you share the unofficial campaign (especially ODM) numbers? Nyagah is being quoted as saying the results of the big one need to be announced to quell the rising tension.

    Thanks for the updates

  • Thanks for the great job Ory. Do you think PNU will hold any clout if they loose the presidency (as it appears to be the case). What happens to all these mishmash of parties that will be subservient to ODM?

    This appears to be deja vu — the orange banana vote.

  • Vic

    Good job man, your info is really helping us know what’s going down in Kenyan elections. The American media doesn’t give a shit of what happens in Africa. So good job brother. Keep us posted, keep the source flowing.

  • anon

    while Ory is resting cheak out http://www.marsgroupkenya.org it has more updates on declared winners in constituencies

  • audrey

    ory thanks to you i am very updated. Enjoy your break you need it but don’t forget about us.:lol:

  • msaniixl

    Thanks for the updates enjoy a much needed break

  • MO

    Thanks much for the updates….very much appreciated for those of us across the seas who need a little more info rather than just the numbers. Keep it coming……
    Wash DC

  • Bwansu

    You did well. I was very much disappointed by major news media. They hardly had any reporting on elections and here was the only place to turn to for updates. Kudos!

  • Mtu

    you sure need the break…enjoy it as long as we wunt hang…i know u r enyoyin every beat of it…keep up n Jah Bless