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Election 2007 Dec 29 12:15 pm update

I’m quite concerned about the terrible coverage by KBC given its natonwide coverage. Anyone listening to radio, how is that coverage? If it’s just as bad then most Kenyans are in the dark about the results, which is just unacceptable.

– Chaos in Kawangware and Jogoo Road.

The ECK briefing just got done.

They released provisional results for the presidential race. Couldn’t type fast enough to catch break down by province, here’s the total

Kivuitu apologized for the delayed results, but basically admitted that they had no clue what was causing the delay and nothing short of the commissioners going to all the delayed constituencies to find out what was going on could give a satisfactory answer. He said that returning officers in those areas are not picking up their phones. He made several references to the fact that people might be cooking the results before submitting them to the ECK, and said that if they delay continues he will announce the results that have been submitted (Raila in the lead – missed the exact numbers but it’s 49% – 45%). He said that there were 51 constituencies that had not submitted their numbers to ECK at KICC for the presidential race and for most of these constituencies there was no good explanation (except places like Kajiado North where there was chaos). He ended the meeting saying that the commissioners were going to have a meeting to decide the way forward.

Didn’t catch all the constituencies but some of them include:

– Masinga
– Kajiado North
-Kitui West
-Baringo East
– Laikipia East
– Naivasha
-Nakuru Town
– South Mugirango
– Bobachi
– Nyaribari Chache
– Kitutu Chache

This is all disturbing.

27 comments to Election 2007 Dec 29 12:15 pm update

  • Ssembonge

    Kivuitu disappointed me. His remarks were reckless/alarmist. I hope all ends well.

  • KenyanCommentator

    Kivutu is right now the MOST IMPORTANT MAN IN KENYA. What he does in this capacity will determine the fate of our country but judging from the casual way that he addressed the country today, he sounds more like a man washing his hands from the mess. Who does he expect to clean the mess of his own officers? I was particularly appalled on two occassions when he alluded to the fact that he might just delcare the president based on incomplete results or just let the incumbent stay. I mean that kind of talk makes for Great Saturday Night Live but when the fate of a country is in a balance it makes for a recipe for chaos especially given that Kisumu is already smoking in readiness for some kind of battle….This is a key moment.

  • Eric

    I was Listening to it online in capital.This were what Kivuitu announced
    Raila 3 726 247
    Kibaki 3 416 139
    Kalonzo 246 214
    That is the results from 158constituencies.52constituencies still remaining .Above written plus Rangwe,Ndhiwa,likoni,kibwezi,Mvita,kamukunji,south imenti.north imenti.mutito,Isiolo north,Mbooni,muhoroni,turkana south/north,gatanga,kisaini,magarini,changamwe,wajireast/southetc

  • Linda O

    Ory and Everyone, We’re also concerned with the direction our peaceful elections have taken. It’s a shame and Kivuitu needs to save the day. Please stay safe. We appreciate you keeping us updated with all the info! You’re amazing! God Bless our Beloved Nation!

  • Johnson

    Odinga has declared himself winner.

  • Listening to Kivuitu on Kass FM, surely his performance will go down in history as Kenya’s Let-them-Eat-Cake Moment, with Kivuitu himself as Kenya’s Marie Antoinette. On the one hand a country is teteering on the lip of an abyss and here is the one person that can pull it back from the brink nonchalantly jesting like he’s at some drunk-addled frat party.

    And then he delivers this shocker:

    ” Some of these places I don’t know why they are not delivering results. We suspect they are cooking. Some people cannot just accept defeat. When we call them there is no answer yet we see them on TV discussing results.”

    In other words he has lost control. But that isn’t the problem. His problem is that he has no clue that this loss of control is a problem.

    And then, finally, asked to offer an explanation, he passes the buck to … nobody is exactly sure. He seems to blame the presiding officers, implying that they are cheating, but as he leaves, he talks of “praying for insight,” so perhaps God is to blame.

    And for those who were listening/watching the press conference. Just who exactly were laughing so hard at Kivuitu’s terrible jokes? Were those journalists? For the rest of us listening from afar, it sounded like a ghoulish laugh-track to a nation of the living dead.

  • Pea

    Great coverage; I have something to say, though, after which I’ll refrain from commenting and stick to reading. I noticed that a comment of mine on a previous post was deleted. I hope that was because of my “wondering” and not because you thought it was tribalistic. Just thought I should point that out because I detest tribalism in all its forms and if anything I said made it seem like I favour a political candidate for his or her ethnicity, then that was totally not the intention. I apologize for any inconvenience… and for using your space when I have my own blog!!! Lol. Shalom.

  • Ssembonge

    I just got off the phone with people from Meru and they told me that Michuki is currently in Meru. Counting has been finalized.

    Money has changed hands (unverified rumours).

  • NS

    Mathematics is the essential foundation of life (All sciences and economics can be broken down to mathematics). It is also the foundation of vote counting and presentation of results (in case some people did now know this).

    Embarrassingly, all our media stations’ staff and ECK officials appear untrained in basic mathematics. The presentation is horrible, for lack of a better word. Here are some specifics that are frustrating me to no end:

    ECK officials announcing the results are unable to articulate certain numbers, big and small. They confuse thousands with millions, omit or add zeros, and do not state a number in full. For example, 234,544 would be read, “two hundred and thirty four thousand, five four four” instead of finishing by “five hundred and fourty four”. There are also other types of errors in announcments. I totally agree that there should be electronic results posted clearly for the journalists to take down and also on the ECK website.

    On all TV stations, the results should be presented in a mathematically sound way without any vagueness. We should be informed what the percentages mean exactly (% of votes counted so far, etc). Frankly, most of the information is pointless. NTV is also doing something funny: It prints a number on the screen indicating total registered voters for a constituency and separates the thousands by a comma. Under that number, there is a total number of votes counted, in which the comma is omitted, making it slightly slower to compare and looking unpresentable. Furthermore, it does not indicate whether all votes have been counted in that area or if there are still additional results coming in.

    Another glaring (may be not so glaring) error by NTV was in the small provincial result graphs for presidential candidates yesterday. For at least two hours, there were these tiny bar graphs showing % votes of the three main candidates. Again, no information on exact formula of the %. Anyway, the graphs would cycle through the provinces, and then finally come to a national graph. The national results showed Kibaki with less than 10%, Raila with over 90%, and Kalonzo with -5%!! Yes, it was negative! And Raila’s was supposed to be 50-60%, but some clown at NTV messed up.

    I decided to write this after being frustrated for long with Kenyan daily newspapers making stupid errors in numerical reporting. Millions are confused with billions, zeros are omitted and added. The journalists seem to have no comprehension of how much a million or a billion really amounts to. There are also other types of numerical errors which are published regularly.

    Our national security in all forms is at risk with such clowns in our country. The day this nation in general learns mathematics is the day we will progress together as a nation. In the meantime, everybody with better mathematical skills will get the better of those with lesser skills (countries, businesses, and individuals). I mean for the most part in an economic sense).

  • kanyonyango

    can anybody please wonder with me here …why DN website has been in blackout for most of the day. is this intentional? the Kenya media is behaving like they are all in same kind of Disney world. there are no updated info. in them. its sad to get breaking news from guardian unlimited in Europe and have nothing from the main Kenya media. just think of how this could have been if were it not for the bloggers?

  • KenyanCommentator

    Not just Nation, Standard as well.

    I suspect that these guys are part and parcel of the p0wer-jostling going on behind the scenes right now. As with everything else that is always done behind closed doors, alliances and counter-alliances, I would not be surprised if there if there is a lot of stuff “cooking” right now and these media houses are part of the key players. I just thank God for this new era of blogpress and alternative press otherwise it would have been one big blackout at this crucial hour. Personally I have gotten more news from smses back home, Orys blog, mashada.com (believe it or not), kenya blog webring, kenyaimagine and other pages not part of the conventional press that you would expect to be on top of their news right now.

    NS that was funny as hell…and that other person commenting on Kivuitu lol, yall are making me laugh so hard.

    I hope and pray that this melodramma ends well even if it means it ends with another non-consequential MOU that will buy as some kind of “peace deal” while we figure out how best to get rid of these jokers.

  • Millicent

    The Kenyan media is abysmal. The KBC website is down. The Standard website hasn’t updated stats for a day. KTN on the web is out. The Nation cant be bothered to report on the violence erupting, we have to check Google news and Reuters and CNN to read about people holding machetes, burning houses of other tribes and looting their shops.

    The political leaders should start demanding calm from their supporters because the ethnic tension is boiling as a result of their incitement. Kenyans stop fighting and wait for the ECK final results.

  • I-AM

    Am in the village n without any elec, no TV. RADIO is the only source of info. U might wonder what am posting with but tech is great so am usin my phone so excuse shorthand.
    Great blog! Good job. Can say u r recording things as accurately as they are. So 4 folk in diaspora, stay here.
    So happens am in central kenya. So I get 2 listen 2 shoro fm n they are still blamin others 4 the curent defeat of their incumbent president n his pawns. They r using careless language which if the nyanza folk listened to they’d not sit still.
    I’ve cycled through most of Radio stations. Honestly, Capital Fm is the most balanced. Vanacular stations r leanin kushoto kulia.
    Carol Mutoko is doing a great job at Kiss 100. No wonder most intelligent young folk are indoors waiting for results and not out throwing stones. Big up Carol.
    Else, can’t wait to hear who goes in. Kenyan’s have realized that without political justice, good roads n free education don’t a contended heart make.
    Beef is no matter who enters, if you were hungry yesterday, you’ll still be hungry in the near future. Throwing stones no matter whom you support is lame in modern society.
    Let me log off else my phone battery will die n I won’t get further “honest” analysis. Listening to most radio stations is like asking a Manchester United fan whom he/she thinks will win premiership!

  • obamab

    I think this is the list of the 50 or 40 something constituencies that have not reported… that was like 2 hours ago at the time of the briefing, and the lousy stupid jokes from Kivitu at this dire time in the history of Kenya. Anyway i possibly did not spell most of them correctly, but i think we get the drift.
    west wajir
    north wajir
    north isiolo
    south isiolo
    south imenti
    Noth imenti

  • Linda O

    Can someone please explain to me how the total number of voters in Central province are more than those in Rift Valley? Obviously the numbers being put out by the DN are being skewed to favor the PNU candidates. PNU should know that most kenyans are capable of doing the math and realizing that this numbers don’t jive.
    ECK needs to take control of this before it degenerates futher

  • KenyanCommentator

    Linda this is how:

    1. Almost all the votes in Central Province have been counted. That and the fact that the voter registration turnout in Central seems to be waaaay above the projected 70% (I guess Central Kenya is overly patriotic).

    2. The Electoral Officers in the Rift Valley have switched off their cellphones and locked themselves up in rooms. How did I know this? Well, the ECK comissioner himself told us this a while ago. These guys have run away with the ballot boxes and they cannot be located with over 1/2 of all the Rift Valley, Eastern, Nairobi and part of Western and Coast votes that are yet to be tallied. I guess nobody is looking for them and in any event that they do not show up, I guess we are just goinng to have an election tally without their figures. Well, thats what Kivuati said.

    Good luck waiting with the rest of us lol. Stay vigil otherwise the figures will look even more drammatic if nobody is looking.

  • Mwari

    I can’t stop wondering why Kivuitu talks as though he is just woken from a drunken stupor! At a time when stake of the entire nation is hanging on such a thin thread, I would have expected him to display the authority his position calls for! And for him to make light of the plight of the nation is nothing short of reckless!
    I will continue to pray that God blesses kenya. Bloodshed is not what we bargained for.

  • Mwari

    I too get puzzled at how basic mathematics is a challenge for many! The graphs on Nation Website are an insult to say the least. Currently, there is data for 189 constituencies on one graph, yet the other graph remains static.
    What a shame.
    The kenyan mainstream media has performed dismally. For Kenyans in the diaspora, it is blogs like this one, Mzalendo and Kumekucha that have been giving us info. CNN aired a piece, except that the site of daggers and matchets was not exactly comforting. Ofcourse we understand, CNN and others see and report what they like to see!
    Ory keep up the good work! And be careful…

  • joe

    guys in the diaspora,
    CNN and BBC, just like other elements of Western Media have given the tension in the country too much hype. It is true that concern is rising, it is true several areas have witnessed looting and lighting of bonfires as well as some acts which are pure opportunistic hooliganism, but the vast majority of Kenyans are sitting tight. There is dialogue at ECK, just saw Martha Karua, Ruto, Kwach, Orengo, Mungatana, Muiru…there discussing what the best course of action is with regard to areas where disputes have come up e.g. Kamukunji.

  • latest (ECK)

    Raila 8.880M
    Kibaki 8.842

    That is from 180 constituencies, they just added on some results of 11 constituencies and Kibaki has been given very huge votes from Meru, we only have constituencies at the Coast and R.V, This can go either way guys

  • Sorry Make those figures 3 million instead of 8

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  • […] of the country, and with Sam Kivuitu, the Electoral Commission of Kenya chairman, indicating that he has no idea(?@*!) why the results from certain constituencies (mostly PNU strongholds) have not been submitted! Messy, […]