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Election Update 30 Dec 3:40 (ECK Briefing)

Kivuitu walks out. Briefing is suspended.

Pray for Kenya.

6 comments to Election Update 30 Dec 3:40 (ECK Briefing)

  • I have just watched the briefig live and must admit that this is degenarating in to a farce on such an important political matter.

    If the president elect is not announced by midnight tonight, then Kenya will effectively not have a president, which creates a power vacuum.

    In order to preserve peace and stability, one thing that is needed now announcement of a a winner, whoever it is.

  • Raila is now adressing the press… Tune to Aljazeera English on my website http://www.benkiilu.com

  • Ivory

    its on BBC News 24 and it doesn’t look good.

  • Rottuk

    it is too sad for all parties. God give us peace and guidance at this moment.

  • Rottuk, I strongly agree with you….
    We need peace and God’s guidance now. And, most of all restraint

  • joe

    In the interests of stability, we need a winner ASAP. I am just not sure we would have a power vacuum if none is announced by midnight.
    I am no expert but I thought the current holder of the office is in power until such a time a new person is sworn in?