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Election Update Dec 30 3:30 pm

PNU just had an impromptu press conference at KICC.

Mungantana spoke first and sounded like he was at a campaign rally.

– First he had an issue with Ruto holding a press conference from the ECK Chairman’s chair and said that was disrepectful (guys…most of the country suspects you are rigging the elections and this is what you start off with?).

– Then he said that everyone has their own figures and this back and forth could go on forever (I agree, where is goddamn ECK). Went on to accuse ODM of incitement by claiming rigging.

Kiunjiru spoke next.

– Said that ODM was blockading the ECK and using delaying tactics to prevent the ECK from announcing the results.

– Said that Ruto was lying and that ODM’s statement was a sign of panic and desperation.

– Then finally after lots of polemics he appealed for calm until they results confirming that PNU will definitely win are announced (did he need to throw PNU in there?).

Kibwana spoke next.

– Accused ODM of usurping the mandate of ECK. Asked them to go to court if they had issues. Rambled on for a few minutes without really saying anything.

Wetangula spoke next.

– PNU also has issues e.g. in Cheplaungu but are not harassing the ECK. Will challenge in court if necessary.

– Also appealed for calm among Kenyans.

Overall, high on polemics and short on substance. Looks like it was hastily arranged. There was no appeal to reason or a good presentation of their case. Maybe they should have had someone more effective like Karua speak on their behalf. Again I’ll repeat that it is disingenuous to offer courts as a solution when petitions can be in courts for up to 5 years.

Some people arguing that Raila should concede for the sake of the country and push for a vote of no confidence since he has a majority and another election is held. However, we all know how Kenyan MPs operate, how many of them will be willing to go back to the polls so soon. Many will jump ship from ODM faster than you can blink.

5 comments to Election Update Dec 30 3:30 pm

  • Fred

    Children like Mungatana and Kiunjuri, or losers like Kibwana and Wetangula who are looking for nominatoion (I wonder how they can nominate 1,000 people since all PNU losers are looking for nomination), have nothing to tell the Kenyan people. Bring the 16A forms, duly signed by all people. And how comes it is only in Central and Meru where we have problems of massive rigging? How comes ODM didn’t bring doctored results from Kalenjin, Luo, or Luhya land where it swept? There is no one who is stupid here, Kenyans want their rights. If Kibaki was happy in 2002, and praised Kenyans for their “intelligence”, we are reminding him that we are the same “intelligent” people. Kibaki Toka.

  • zizi


    It is difficult to suspect your identity. But that is not as important as the information you relay here. From very far I am able to know very objectively what is happening across Kenya.

    Keep up.

  • carole


    The situation in Kenya is dissapointing. Kenyans are not stupid. It is clear that irregularities have taken place. The only person who can stop all this nonsense is Kibaki…. Mr. Kibaki, listen to Kenyans, SPEAK …..

  • Friends in Dubai

    We just want to thank you for all the information you have been able to post on your blog. We are out of the country for the holidays, and going crazy waiting for news – you by FAR have THE best source of information available! Big thanks to you…

  • Nyamse

    Ory, thank you for your updates which many of us here in the US are using to keep up with the developments. It is a big disappointment that the process has degenerated to this mess. Can the ECK really be trusted at this point? No matter who is eventually declared the winner, and I dont care which way it goes, there will always be doubts about the legitimacy of the new govt. I am in my 30’s and disappointed in my generation, many of whom are blinded by tribe. I just pray for everyones safety.