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Post-media blackout update Dec 31 1:20 am

I’m OK, blog is not down just took a break to decompress.

As far as the arrest rumor, consensus is that Pentagon rumors HAVE NOT been arrested.

Drove to a friend’s house less than ten minutes away and had to go through a police checkpoint. Very scary.

I have no news to report. It’s a total total blackout. Watching TV feels like watching TV under some crazy dictatorship. I mean we all know that the country is on fire, but KBC is airing Just for Laughs. WTF???

I, however, remain committed to keeping whatever news I can flowing so keep the info coming (even though it might sit in moderation for a while). And hopefully I’ll have something updates tomorrow from what is now for all intents and purposes my bunker.

Meanwhile, a section of the country is making plans for New Year’s Eve like nothing has happened.

Off to bed. This is all so draining.

51 comments to Post-media blackout update Dec 31 1:20 am

  • Miss J.

    You’ve provided a great service for Kenyans. Thank You! Let’s pray for a peaceful 2008 – I’m still shocked and sad and very angry, but like all my fellow Kenyans, I remain hopeful that good sense and justice will prevail….

  • debaba

    Goodnight ory, just went through a few blogs and i beleive the pentagon arrest is just a rumour, it is 4pm in canada and i have watched every news channel I can get my eyes n and nothing yet, God bless you and thanks. if you ever step in my neibhourhood edmonton, make sure to look me up

  • Bob

    I have just spoken with a top media executive who confirmed that no arrests have been made- phew! But, boy! Media shutdown?

  • Ashley

    Girl, get some rest and stop driving yourself crazy over these shenanigans. I do not think anything will change the ECK ‘s……remember Moi’s rgime that seemed endless.
    Politiking is a dirty game and that has been proven, in Kenya, US of A and elsewhere. If you can’t beat `em join `em. Kibaki and Raila are here for now, Kenya will remain forever

  • Ngugi

    Lets hope no one gets arrested.
    Question,… if you were the opposition knowing what you know, how would you react?


    Goodnight. your update have been very informative. keep up reporting facts not opinions!

  • Kenyan damu

    Media shutdown – an extremely primitive action; the methods of a dictator.

  • Grace

    It is very interesting to see postings here from a presumed representatives / spokesperson of the GOK (in the comment section below), yet the reason there is so much misinformation circulating in the country right now is that they have created an information vacuum with their media blackout. That we who are out of the country and have access to the internet should be privy to information that is not readily available to those within the country is amazing and disquieting.

    Additionally, of what use is the news that the US govt (discredited and seen as illegitimate by some) has accepted Kibaki’s reelection despite the irregularities of any use to those in the country whose access to information has been restricted. How will they hear it and of what relevance is it given what they have seen with their own eyes?

    Any information released while this media blackout is in force, particularly if it is coming from official channels will be discounted by those who now view Kibaki’s government as illegitimate .

    Hope you and your family stay safe Ory. I am glad I discovered this blog. It has been my savior as I have tried to understand what is going on at home.

  • Kazungu

    It’s interesting that certain comments to this blog are not being posted, possibly because of the information they contain … fair enough …

    For those trying to cope with the media blackout, several NTV video clips are available at this site:


    Definitely worth watching.

  • Ory

    Ory, thanks a lot for keeping us informed. You did summarise it by saying that is a SAD day for Kenya. I can’t remember when I last shed tears (ahah i think some 3 years ago) but today I couldn’t just hold back my tears. I feel so devasted. I hope you are safe whenever you are.

  • M


    You have been and continue to be our angel during this time of elections. Thanks so much for all the updates. My prayer is that the pentagon guys are and will be fine tomorrow. Justice shall prevail one day!

  • timinachi

    Gnite Ory,thank you and keep us posted after you have rested,God bless you.

  • If you believe you deserve to know the truth, stand up and be counted. Put your name here http://2007elections.wordpress.com/

  • Rottuk

    Thank you very much for the update. I also saw details unfolding life coverage through Aljezeraa especially after the swearing inn at state house it seems riots was starting in Kibera.
    Thank you very much Ory for all that update from you blog since thurday. You did a good job to reveal what is happening within the country for us who are outside kenya.
    Happy new year from manila

  • Fromdownunder

    Good on you gal, you make us proud! You take care of yourself and your family and hope all our people out there are well. God speed and Goodnight.

  • tony

    keep up the good job man.

    we need the info.

    i’m praying for peace. raila and kibaki can surely come to an agreement about this.

    this is why i voted kalonzo musyoka

  • Adeline

    it seems to me that the news blackout is a self-imposed measure by the media hses to avoid airing material that may lead to escalation of violence. the minister’s order only covers live broadcasts and radio-call ins.

  • fran

    huh….Thank God….

  • florence kimicha

    ..Thank you for the updates..and thank god no arest..let us all pray for our beloved motherland…

  • florence kimicha

    ..Thank you for the updates..and thank god no arrests..let us all pray for our beloved motherland…

  • Thanks for dispelling the rumors. This media blackout ain’t helping and I think a lot of people in Kenya with no access to internet in their homes truly have no idea what’s going on in the country. God help us all.

  • mesii

    well done. you should be proud of yourself you’ve done a great job. despite what happens. X

  • citizen


    I am glad the blog/website is not down… perhaps the idiots are still too old-fashioned neanderthals to understand the power of communications?

    Stay safe!

  • A

    I have been able get various news reports on shortwave radio bands… Primarily radio france broadcasting on the 41m band, and bbc on the 19m band. radio france spoke of atm machines having run out of money, and a heavily barricaded uhuru park.

  • Sad

    KP is down!

  • hakunaa

    Generals divided,GSU divided,police divided,two governments

  • Anna

    Dear Ory,

    Am seated in Germany and just want to reassure you people that the international press keeps reporting about what is going on in Kenya.

    I know that currently the country is suffering from censor of information. I’ve just got informed by a credible source that Raila and the Pentagon members have been arrested.

    As far as I’m concerned, your blog is the most up-to-date source of information regarding the kenyan elections. Even faster than the accredited press. I do hope that you’ll be able to publish this info on your blog.

    Thanks for all your efforts, take care

  • Anna

    Update: Pentagon members have been brought to some unknown place. Kalonzo has offered to build a coalition with PNU.

  • Nyatty, Timor-leste

    More feeds from those sides plssssssss ?
    I hear there’s fighting in Kayole and all the luos there are being harrased. I also in Buru? Can some1 confm!
    Ngai Fafa!!
    I think The best thing is to the interest of the poeple first “There comes a time where the interest of the ppl superceeds the interest of the individuals”
    These two guys shud talk to the ppl and calm down the nation.
    Btw, where’s Kalonzo? or he waiting for the spoils?
    Where Bishop Njue?
    My heart bleeds 4 Kenya. $ the 1st tym am ashamed 2 b a kenyan. really!

  • KK

    Thanks for the great updates . ECK has let usdown by condoning a flawed process. all they heard to do was look into the irregularities and put peoples minds at ease that there was no rigging but instead everything gets done disregarding all the millions who came out to vote in favor of a few elite peopele and our president get’s sworn in a private affair. It is an extremely sad day as people get killed in the street while politicians continue to do what they do best care for themselves.

  • ashok

    test comment

  • Sarah

    The country has gone to the dogs!!!!!!! To accept a 6% growth rate from a goverment whose attitude is that ‘we have never been better off!!!” Even if we deduct his rigged votes more than 3 million people belive that ‘indeed we have never been better off, that is sad!!! To ice the cake we are back to 1982

  • Ivory

    bbc says 43 dead overnight in kisumu. It says that kenya is the hub of UN in east Africa and all the Multinational companies.
    They also talked about the African Union stepping in to sort this out but again said that there’s no one in Africa who can solve this problem cos South Africa has its own leadership problems.
    BBC says Ivory coast was in a similar state 10 yrs ago and its taken them a long to build the country back to what it used to be and there’s still lotsleft to do. BCC hopes that kenya does not end up that way. We all hope so.

  • Observer

    Hi Guys,

    I just heard on Al Jazeera that they have ordered people esp. @ Kibera to stay indoors or they will be “shot on sight”. They said they are set to cover Raila’s Uhuru Park appearance, but the area is very heavily guarded right now.

    If kibaki is so sure he won fair and square why is he afraid? What is he hiding from the world? And why are the only areas affected by the violence the rest of the nation not central? Is he usurping his authority yet again to terrorize the areas he believes voted strongly against him?

  • Andrea

    So glad your blog is back up – I thought it’d been shut down, too.

    A friend went to Kibera tonight. 43 dead. He took pics. Have a look at http://www.wirmedia.org/KM.pdf

  • concerned

    Are you alright Ory?
    We hope so….we dont like the silence. Pole w are all feeling terrible.

  • Observer

    KBC is now airing reports to discredit outside networks such as Al-Jazeera saying that they are no kenyan militia out there. I saw them using rungus on people and telling them especially at the Kibera slums they cannot leave their homes or they will be shot. They are on imposed house arrest!

  • zizi

    There is information seeping in from Reuters that so far 65 people killed. also see raila07.com uncofirmed reports on sackings. i doubt it myself.

    Ory, we hope you r fine wherever u r. thanks for update.

  • dude

    Just watched the various 1 O’Clock news bulletins. So not a media blackout as such. Just no live transmissions. According to the govt spokesman – some vernacular stations have been misused by guys calling in live, saying that people should go fight or stuff to that effect. He even went as far as to say that its not really targeting TV stations but vernacular stations.
    Its still very tense and the nairobi CBD is a no-go zone.

    Also just seen Raphael Tuju on K24 a few moments ago.

    I would want these guys to talk.

    I praying myself for the peace and unity of this nation and for God’s mercy on us.

  • dude

    according to Alfred Mutua, the rumours doing the rounds are all fabrications.
    I guess thats what happens when press doesn’t give info fast enough.
    About the live broadcast thingie – he said u can even delay such things by 30 seconds bora its possible to verify that the contents being aired are not inflammatory. (he’d even said 3 seconds but thats a joke.)

  • Japheth

    Monitoring the developments in at home from Jeddah, I pray for Kenya. I’ve Just talked to family and friends at home -one of the Nandi constituencies and overnight chaos were being reported and demonstrations were to be conducted to day. Homes and shops are being set a blaze and several cars have been burn in Kaptumo, Kobujoi, Kapsabet and Nandi Hills. Aljazeera and BBC are my main sources now. God help Kenya.

  • muturi

    CNN just said 125 dead across the country and that the US state department has withdrawn it’s congrats to Kibaki.

    BBC video link

  • :cry:Democracy is poor man’s fatasy determined to have a choice yet they actually and practicaly have never had a choice in poverty Make a choice in poverty and will pay with violence is what we see in KENYA and PARKISTAN Democarcy in reality is about the powerful and Rich exclude them and have contradiction

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