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Update 30 Dec 9:30 pm – post media blackout

Some people have problems understanding English so I will try one more time.
Yes I am biased. Biased against a flawed process and whoever is behind it. I am not going to be neutral on this particular point so get over it!

With live media shut down [update – ban just extended to phone interviews with journalists and political reporting] rumors are dominating.

KBC is showing Just Laughs. It honestly feels like we are under a military government.

Not sure if ban extends to coverage of internet broadcasting. Right now I’d say that Aljazeera is most up to date since they are still broadcasting.

Again, I really hope ODM and other guys with news get savvy and get their message out online.

There is footage of the earlier ODM press conference been shown on NTV. ODM has rejected the results and said that they will set up a parallel government.

Stories coming in through the grapevine – note: not verifiable.

– ODM was planning an alternative inauguration at Uhuru Park tomorrow.

– Raila and other ODM guys have been arrested. If so, probably on charges of sedition.

– Shoot to kill order in Kisumu.

99 comments to Update 30 Dec 9:30 pm – post media blackout

  • Hi Ory-i can confirm that KTN which broadcasts live streaming online via http://www.africast.tv has been switched off online too
    I was watching it the whole day and it suddenly refused to work the past half-hour. i was wondering why until you explained about the media blackout
    don’t know about KBC as i am not subscribed to jumpcast. CapitalFM is playing music as is Family FM

  • Ory,

    Thanks for all you are doing in updating us of the situation on the ground….

  • Grace

    Thank you for the regular updates Ory.

    Does anyone know where the PNU folks are right now? Are they all still in the state house?

    Where is Moody Awori ?

  • Kenyan in the US

    from nation:

    EU observers doubt presidential result

    By NATION Reporter

    The European Union election observers have expressed doubts over the outcome of the presidential race.

    A statement this evening from the EU Observer Mission doubted the credibility of the tallying process for the presidential votes.

    Here is the full text of the statement:

    The Chief Observer of the EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM), Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Member of the European Parliament, issued the following statement about the announcement of the winner of the presidential election in the Republic of Kenya:

    “Once again, we would like to commend Kenyan citizens for the strong commitment to peace and democracy that they showed on election day.

    With a view to the presidential elections, however, we believe that, at this time, the ECK, despite the best efforts of its chairman, has not succeeded in establishing the credibility of the tallying process to the satisfaction of all parties and candidates.

    We regret that it has not been possible to address irregularities about which both the EU EOM and the ECK have evidence. The result for the Molo constituency, for example, was announced in the presence of EU EOM Observers at the constituency tally center as 50.145 votes for President Kibaki, while the ECK today declared the result for the President to be 75.261 votes. Because of this and other observed irregularities, some doubt remains as to the accuracy of the result of the presidential election as announced today.

    We call on the leaders of Kenya to maintain this spirit of peace and democracy so admirably shown by the people of Kenya on Thursday.”

  • Mugash

    Africast is still working. I’ve been watching KTN for the past forty-five minutes or so. As at 9:20pm Kenyan time, I didn’t see KTN Prime news (in essence a live broadcast in itself). ER has just ended and they’re now playing ad after ad after ad. I’m standing by to see what will happen.

  • Andrea

    I also just heard from two people in the media sector that Pentagon members have been arrested.

  • Kenyancommentator

    As a kenyan not in the country in the moment I can’t even leave the house I feel like I am under house arrest with all other Kenyans. Not even the vibrant new year celebrations going on around me can entice me from this abyss that I have found myself ingulfed in with the rest of my country. They say home is where the heart is and right now my heart is in Kenya. There will be no popping of champagne for the new year, just weeping and gnashing of teeth. I am looking for words to express my anger but can’t find any. I am in shock. I cannot believe the audacity to rape and rob kenyans of their rights in broad daylight. The rape and plunder of my beloved country. I weep.

  • linnakat

    Can you confirm that Aljazeera is no longer being broadcast in Nairobi? We’re getting Christian music videos on the usual channel.

  • Kags

    Hi ory,

    Thanks for the update. You are now our main soursc of information. Please stay safe and keep up the good work. I never realised how much politics could affect me right now am sik to my stomach and hoping even though I know its hopeless, that Kibaki will do the right thing and justice will prevail….I guess that is wishfull thinking but you never know… miracles do happen.

  • Agatha

    I’m watching KTN (via Africast.tv), and waited for prime time news at 9.00pm to no avail. Now they are showing CNN. Does the ban include news broadcasts?
    KBC ( via jumptv.com) is also showing some preaching programme.
    Don’t these people know that being in the dark is more dangerous because it inspires speculation and rumors?

    We need to know what is happening in our country!!

  • Ory,
    I am with you. Whoever is not biased against a flawed process, is perpetrating the flawed process. This era is not for sitting on the fence, its for taking a stand. Yes, a stand against falsehood, manipulation, rigging, and all that which is not in the best interest of the country.

    I take a stand against the flawed electoral counting process.

  • citizen


    Yes, this is becoming a police state. but let kibaki & krooks, take note of history. Nicolai Ceaucescu.

    K24 had their journalists harassed by unknown persons who stole their camera.

    Enough said.

  • sad

    Ory … Good job ! ! ! !
    Please don’t waste your time responding to the negative comments. I know it’s difficult sometimes to resist, but it’s not worth it.

    Aljazeera is working from outside kenya and reports seem to be pretty up to date

    Online non-kenyan publications still seem to be updating (al Jazeera, skynews a bit behind.

    People, let’s hope for peace

  • RD

    Nobody is disputing that the process was flawed. However, are you sure the election was *stolen*?

  • DaddyKim

    the latest update from the BBC indicates that the UK govt has voiced disatisfaction with the results. I trying to call my folks to see what happens next. Will update if anything gets my way.

  • Alani

    Al Jazeera online is not showing anything related to kenya either. KTN( AFricast) and KBC ( Jumptv) are on normal programming. Phone calls to Nairobi not going thro, Blogs are up and running. We are depending on bloggers in Kenya to keep us updated.

  • DaddyKim


    The process was flawed and the vote stolen. Kivuitu speaks figuratively and when he alluded to “cooking” what he meant was that there could be only one person to cook, and that is the govt. Irregulaties mean thieving. Sorry

  • Johan


    In a joint statement with Development Secretary, Douglas Alexander, on Sunday 30 December, David Miliband spoke of the recent Kenya election result:

    ‘This is a pivotal moment for Kenya, a time when the democratic process and election outcome has to be seen to be fair in the eyes of the Kenyan people. We congratulate Kenyan voters for conducting their vote in an orderly and dignified manner. But we have real concerns at the irregularities reported by the EU observers and others.

    ‘We call on all Kenya’s political leaders and democratic institutions to work together to address those concerns, seriously, in a spirit of unity, and in a way which will bring the respect and support of the Kenyan people. Those leaders must also ensure the safety of Kenya’s people – the tragic deaths this weekend have marred an otherwise peaceful election. That violence must not be repeated. We urge all sides to pursue their disputes peacefully through dialogue and the appeals process.

    ‘Britain looks forward to working with a legitimately elected government of Kenya, which commands the support of the Kenyan people and which wants to advance the economic, social and democratic interests of the people of Kenya. We will be discussing ways forward with our European and other partners in the coming weeks.’

  • Vincent Bett

    I am saddened by the abuse of a democratic process in our counrty. I guess Moi was even better than this one! I am feeling bad. Does anyone know how a vote of no confidence works in kenya? and how many MPs does will ODM nominate incase it accepts the flawed election?

  • concerned

    Alani, Phone calls using VOIP or Skype seem to come through ok if you need to get through to Kenya. For now the Internet is working alright.

  • Ish

    JUST IN: Heart breaking news from the ground, very credible source reports that Raila Odinga and the Pentagon Team have been arrested. Again, Raila Odinga and the members of the Pentagon Team have been arrested.

    (Ory if you email me I can confirm my source)

    Please spread the word as the Kenya media is unable to reports this, I repeat, the Kenya media is unable to report this.

    They were arrested because they had asked Kenyans to gather at Uhuru park tomorrow meaning monday 31/12/2007 so that they could finish their address to the nation that was cut off midstream by the media ban on live tansmissions.

    I gather that the Uhuru park gathering was declared illegal and ODM Pres. Candidate and leading lights were immediately arrested.

    Kenyans, Please watch Aljazeera English for more updates from the ground and pray for our country…Pray hard,.

  • Musa

    Can anyone confirm which ODM leaders are under arrest?

  • Akishdebaba

    Been o the phone with my friends in asutralia , europe, us and tears are streming, I have called CNN AND CTV, AND CBC, TO

  • Dillon

    Just a quick update, since this seems to be one of the only places where information is being shared.

    I’ve just been on the phone with people in Mombasa. Mikindani has had many of its kiosks and shops burnt and looted and the entire area is reportedly now inaccessible. GSU are patrolling “everywhere.” Banks are closed and there are complaints about lack of food and cash. Kisauni, I was also told, “is burning.” Yesterday saw running battles involving police in the CBD.

  • Alani

    Text messages to Kenya not going through

  • Musa

    Thanks Ish, I had not read yr update.

  • For those who may want to send text messages enmasse and free, try Callwave http://www.callwave.com/landing/widgets_Gadgets_L1.aspx

    This may just be the tool we need now if communication channels are denied service…

  • eunwa

    Ori thank you sooo much for being our only link to what is going on in Kenya…forget the blind, and ignorant naysayers…you are doing an excellent job and I will personally work to ensure that this blog is recognized as being the most reliable source of news.

  • Musa

    Hi VincentBett,

    From memmory, a vot of no confidence requires approval by 3/4 of parliament. Whilst in theory this may work, I fear some of the MPs may be bought out as Kibaki and his friends will be out to pay any price. Having said that, MPs could be fearful of the wrath of the people and may be wise enough not to join in. Kibaki may have to choose his cabinet from GEMA alone!

  • Grace

    I have not prayed for years but find myself crying and praying today. If these rumors of Odinga’s and the pentagon’s arrest are true than I have to wonder whether Kibaki is really in control and if he is whether he is actually capable of thinking.

    Arresting Raila is pouring oil on the fire that is currently burning? Where are the statesmen? Where are the cooler heads on either side? Where is Charity Ngilu? Where is Moody Awori – Am I being naive in thinking that he cannot be a part of this farce?

  • Kibaki has failed Kenya – a Kenya that handed him power peacefully in 02 deserves better. The common people of Kenya deserve better – Africa deserves better. At a time when all disputes are settled by skirmishes in Africa, Kenya was on the right path showing its resolve to democracy.

    I look to the leaders of the world and hope they condemn such a blatant disregard for the will of the people – Africa needs to believe in Democracy. Kenya showed an unyielding resolve for change through democracy and it will be a sad day if violence trumps the ballot.

    May God be with my Kenya ..

  • M

    As much as we are all trying to dispute the results, I am kindly requesting everyone not to incite violence by saying anything thatt could do so. Since we are all protesting for democracy and diplomacy lets try to maintain the air of peace until all the unfairness of the elctions has been proved then we can fight this by diplomatic means. Right now peace is of utmost importance.

  • ajaja


    its is truly sad wat is happeming, at home it feels really bad, like some wasr is gonna break out.

    talkd to some guy who lives at a slum, says he will fihjt for his reall president. if he has to. It is all really messd

  • concerned

    We need to stop this rumour regarding arrest of Raila and pentagon members. It will only cause more problems. Lets remain calm, please let people know the following that as of 11pm Kenya time Raila is at home with his wife trying to get some sleep and has NOT been arrested. (Ory I have credible information to this effect can verify my sources if you contact me email too).

  • We are in connection whit friends in Kenya and we related about the situation – all occidental media are stopped about this crisis – ervibisme.ch related informations for the europe people.

  • concerned

    Unless its House Arrest and he/they are unaware of course.

  • The New York Times ‘….Kenya’s president was declared the winner of a deeply flawed election. …..One Western ambassador said that Western diplomats tried for hours on Sunday to persuade the election commission to do a re-tally of the vote figures using original results but that the commission refused.

    “This was rigged,” the ambassador said’

    What do you call this?

  • DaddyKim

    Al Jazeera Brief: There is rioting spreading. 5 pople killed (unconfirmed) with probability of arrests and state of emergency by midnight tonight.

  • We looking now on all TV media (CNN, BBC, …) no news in europe from the kenyan situation! repeat: no news in this moment.

  • John Doe

    Ory thanks a lot for keeping us up to date…. really good job! Meanwhile I pray for Kenya. This is just despicable!

  • Observer

    I am appalled that the US dares to tell Kenyans to ignore the irregularities and accpet kibaki; waarabu wa pemba… for crying out loud, they are supposed to be a goverment by the people, of the people by the people for the people. Why would they want any less for Kenya. Oh, yeah… they don’t live there.

  • Nits

    BBC is reporting that Raila has NOT been arrested. However he is being threatened with arrest if he holds the rally at Uhuru park tomorrow.

  • Alani

    Does anyone know how to get to the Al Jazeera that is suposed to be broadcasting live? I am on the online English version and there is nothing about kenya.

  • Christina

    CNN reports,

    “The U.S. State Department echoed the president’s sentiment and congratulated Kibaki on his re-election. A spokesman for the State Department called on all Kenyans to abide by the results so that the nation can move forward.”
    I guess it’s not too hard to congratulate someone who “copied” similar methods used by the Bush’s camp to win during flawed elections. US foreign policy is so hypocritical – we only need to look at Pakistan right now to see how far removed they will stand from a truly democratic process. Please don’t count on their support. Talk BIG but no Action when it comes to AFRICA! (unless China is involved….these days)

  • Jeano

    Which other blogs or online sources can I get info from, please email me. People are in tears here (Botswana).

  • Mo

    Thanks for the excellent job u have done….. can someone pleassse tell us what is happening(status of pentagon members!!!!!) and how we came to this!!!!!


  • Shoxx

    to concerned, is this truly verifiable, coz if it is the word needs to get out there. coz equally “verifiable” news form “credible” sources that is to th contrary is spreading all over the net.

  • MarkFromNoVA

    Ory thanks for the update. A really wonderful job. Let’s pray for our country. The whole thing is outrageous.

  • Linda O

    Ory – Thank you so much for your time and energy and this blog! What would we have done without it? ANd thanks to your family too! Please stay safe and out of harms way. We’re praying for you and all others at home! God Bless

  • Kenyan damu

    I have noticed you are regularly deleting my comments and that is certainly within your rights as this is your blog. Could you let me know why you are doing so. I have supplied you with an email address or you could reply publicly if you so wish. I discovered your site today and for the first time in my life I was moved to comment on a blog of any sort – without resorting to tribalism.