Kibaki has just announced a new Cabinet on KBC.
One minute address. No condolences. No calls for peace. Nothing.
Kalonzo VP (what a snake). Other usual suspects back – Murungi, Karua (justice), Michuki, also Uhuru.
Announcement was only for half the cabinet (he doesn’t have enough guys…this is funny in a morbid kind of way).
Excuse me, but this is FUCKING INSANITY.
Just when Kenyans are desperately trying to get things back to normal.
And he expects Raila to come to the negotiating table on Friday.
Does Kibaki have a deathwish for Kenya?
Just who is running the country?
Off to have a double of something strong.
EDIT: Full list is here.
EDIT 2: Violence already breaking out in parts of Nairobi (Kariobangi) and in Kisumu. Spoke to my mum this evening. Everyone is very depressed. People were really trying to make something out of nothing and get things back to normal. Ruto has apparently said that ODM is getting ready to “take over.” Who knows what the hell that means.
What an idiot this guy is! Kibaki has clearly demonstrated that he does not care for Kenyan lives by playing dirty politics!
Just a few years ago, not in the distant past we looked across our Western border at Uganda and pitied them for all the mayhem. We looked to our South at Tanzania and laughed at Mwalimu Nyerere and scoffed at his preaching of Ujamaa. It is no laughing matter, but in its on weird way, “Where did we go wrong?” What a Banana republic and a laughing stock we have turned into. Kenyan arrogance is finally coming home to roost. And the end of the day, all hope is not lost, there will be Peace after the dust settles, and after this storm, but it will indeed be a “Bitter Peace.”
I was utterly surprised, Jenday Frazer and other diplomats spoke as if they were working on a solution. It’s insane because it means that there will be no talks, and perhaps more violence.
Could he get anymore arrogant and stupid? I dont think so,,, Kibaki has outdone himself. All that he could do to out do himself is walk down the street in Nairobi on a commadeered vehicle with a machine gun and shoot everyone on sight, and still I wouldnt be surprised.
😡 this is not happening this nightmare is not ending. when will i wake up
Pushing problems under the carpet seems to be Kibaki’s way of governing Kenya.
Kenyans are essentially being asked to sit and wait for the country to explode in the near future.
This is proof that Kibaki, unfortunately, was never interested in negotiations.
Kufuor must be wondering why the government wasted his time. He has a country of his own to govern…
If Musyoka is principled and if he truly meant it yesterday when he called on Kibaki not to name a cabinet before negotiations, then he will turn down this offer.
I can’t believe it..
And while on the KBC website trying to figure out who has been named, I see this
How is it that the US envoy and 4 past presidents be in Eldoret looking at the devastation.. and our own “President” has not even made an attempt to go??
This is madness!
Kibaki and the people around him are truly out of touch with reality. It will be instructive to see how Musyoka has any morals or backbone or not- will he accept his nomination or refuse it?
This is crazy! How can he do this before MPs are sworn in? Or do only new MPs need to sworn in? (Excuse my ignorance)
Tabia aina dawa.
Fucking insanity, you are right, there are no other words for it.
Mambo Bado.
what is this?? some of us a losing sleep here and now this?
clearly kibaki doesnt care much about the instability in the country.
this just messed up my day.
i new kalonzo was hinting 4 this. rem when he said he was ready for talk s with PNU and ODM?
i wonder what he will do if there is fresh Elections..
Let us continue to exert and support positive pressure, there are two ways of looking at this development:
1) Kibaki is wise in forming a half government since the country cannot be brought to a stand still just because of the mediation process. The civil service must run and continue delivering services to Kenya as the impasse is solved. You are a lawyer, can you provide any insight on whether Kibaki can revert to the previous appointments temporarily when majority of the occupants have lost their seats? From that perspective this makes sense.
2) or this is hardening intransigence and arrogance on Kibaki’s part. The last kicks of a dying horse because this hides their desperation. If indeed Kibaki is trying to undermine the mediation processs and play a game of chicken this will become VERY CLEAR by the end of this week. The international community and the AU will then hold the cards in terms of pitting the balance of power away from him and a slow hounding out of office. So far their statements have been constructive and productive i.e. Kenyans were cheated, what remains to be seen is whether they will up the ante. Domestically if Kibaki digs in things will get much worse before they get better hence the reason to remain resolute but measured during the gathering storm………let’s keep talking to each other, encouraging dialogue and pressuring each other to resist an illegitimate government through legal and peaceful means.
Who would have thought that Kibaki would become the master of dirty politics? This was a very ill-advised move that may prove to be very costly for the country.
Kibaki ought to realise that Kenya is facing a serious crisis. A crisis that if not nipped in the bud will persist to haunt us even after he and his cronies are long gone.
Since it is unanimous here Kibaki is insane let’s go easy on him. I also need something strong to maintain sanity…. 😡
I doubt Kibaki is in control; Dumb move from Kalonzo. I was wrong to credit him with more brains.
Raila should sit tight, not let his anger take control. With Parliament in his hand, he controls most everything. He could write his own laws, cancelling anything Kabaki dishes out. He could even pass a law cancelling the presidency. So, my advice to him would be to control his temper, and start to tactically use his brain. Remember the American saying ” I don’t get angry, I get even”.
The public however, is now out of control, and I expect the killing to resume. It will now be targetted not only against the kikuyu and kisii but kambas too will be targetted anywhere outside the ukambani, especially at the Coast. Pole sana
Is this the clean government that was promised?
I have started scouring the net for all the known cases of corruption and misdeeds by those in this list. If you have links or snippets please post them at this site or drop me a line at pgkuria (@) This nonsense must be met with intelligence and due action!
I emailed you the piece of my thought apended below yesterday for your dairy. Kibaki’s announcement today just serves to confirm that he is out of touch with reality. What a bastard, pardon my french…
My thopughts as of yesterday…
Government of National Unity?
Kibaki, the man who many believe is illegally in office as the president of Kenya has offered to form a government of national unity.
Not a surprising turn of events. Many will urgue; yes, there goes a true leader, trying to find a solution to save our motherland. While others will say there goes another tactic from the Moi school of though, a ploy to cling on to power.
However, from whatever angle you look at this whole election fiasco, one thing is clear. Mr. Kibaki is out of touch with reality. The offer to form a government of national unity is just one more proof.
Recent history has shown that Kenyan political parties and their leaders have a very poor record of coalition. The NARC farce (The National Rainbow Coalition) is just but one prime example.
Government of National Unity: The Ruling Team
A government of national unity is in effect a team, comprising members of different parties, formed to provide leadership to a country. In this case, it will be a team comprising of ODM, PNU and other parties.
Substantiated research in human behavior and team dynamics has shown that, for a team to function effectively or even to function, it members must:
1. have shared values
2. be linked together by a common purpose
3. have absolute confidence in each other
4.have absolute trust in each other
5.have mutual respect for each other and loyalty to the team
6.have willingness to address differences and resolve problems rather than burying them
7.Have fun
A Raila Kibaki Team?
I must wake up from this dream, I keep on thinking. A government of national unity? Aka Kibaki – Raila team?
I am very much struggling to grasp this concept. These two have tried to work together in the past. Have they succeeded?
Dissent from within
Didn’t Kibaki not lie to Raila when he failed to appoint him as the Prime Minister on assuming office as agreed in the memorandum of understanding signed prior to 2002 elections?
Didn’t the perceived betrayal lead to an open rebellion and a split within the cabinet, which culminated in disagreements in 2005 over a proposed new constitution for the country with Kibaki and Raila falling out spectacularly?
How are we expected to believe that Kibaki and Raila can form an effective team?
Let us look at the foundations that underpin team performance in the context of Kibaki-Raila marriage:
1.Do you see Raila and Kibaki having shared values? Kibaki seems to have been molded from the Moi school of Values i.e. stick to power by all means possible even if it means shafting your team mates. On the contrary, Raila is of the ‘democracy by all means possible, every price to be paid for the sake of democracy, no democracy no surrender’ school. How far apart does it get? Do you see these two ever having shared values?
2.Common Purpose – ODM and PNU do have purposes, but not common purpose. They instead have competing purposes. TO BE IN CONTROL. Yes, to be the government of the day. For this situation to be turned around from a competing purpose to common purpose, bargains and sacrifices must be made. Can you see Kibaki stepping down for the sake of having a government of national unity? Can you see Raila sacrificing the opportunity to be the president?
3.Trust, trust, trust. The irregularities with the 2007 election tallying process, subsequent announcement of a presidential ‘winner’ and swearing one hour thereafter, revilations by one Kivuitu that he is not sure that Kibaki won has made ODMers feel that they have been cheated, robbed and raped of what is due to them, the presidency. Deep wounds have been created and trust has been lost. Don’t the wise men (read men and women) say trust is like virginity, it is lost once and for all? Bearing in mind the dissent from within caused by happenings of the post 2002 election and this fiasco, do you see Kibaki and Raila having confidence and trust in each other, let alone absolute trust and confidence?
We need to wake up and smell the coffee. Thinking that government of national unity will work in Kenya is at best kidding ourselves.
What Kenya needs now is:
1.Urgent independent verification of votes – yes dealing with problems and issues not burying them
2.If Kibaki is found to be in power as a result of unfair means, then we would expect immediate resignation.
3.If he is found to be in power as a result of peoples decision, then Raila and ODM must accept, respect and work with the PNU government
4.Immediate resignation and possibly prosecution of the Electoral Commission of Kenya Chairman, Mr. Kivuitu for negligence of duty.
5.Drive to recapture the reputation lost, yes the country’s reputation and to avert humanitarian catastrophe
Someone is smoking or shooting something. Just when I thought he couldnt do any worse. Is he senile, or is lucy making the decisions. I am so mad, I can barely keep my self from using some really inappropriate language.
I really really dont believe what this guy is doing. And every freaking one of those guys who have accepted to be on his cabinet. They have just shown their arrogance and contempt for kenyans and their opinions.
I just had a visual of a new wave of violence, just when we saw that proverbial silver lining. I don’t know whether to cry for my poor brothers and sisters who are surely gonna be on the receiving end, or laugh at the irony and idiocy of our so called president. Why, oh, why must he act before thinking? Doesn’t he see what he’s doing? Wait, I know the answer to that. NO!! We now have other former African presidents touring Eldoret, but Kibaki hasn’t even left State House since he swore himself in. Perhaps somebody needs to drag him to the camps where all these homeless people are, so that he can get a reality check on the situation on the ground. Dear God, please save our country from power-hungry and greedy leaders.
What hurts is that he has announced 17 positions, all the important positions, so departments like youth, regional development and housing are what remains. What a joke. Then out of those 17 positions, 7 (the important ones) go to Mt. Kenya.
1. President- Mt. Kenya
2. Internal Security- Mt. Kenya
3. Roads, public works- Mt-Kenya
4. Energy- Mt. Kenya
5. Justice and Constitutional affairs- Mt. Kenya
6. Finance-Mt. Kenya
7. Local Govt-Mt. Kenya,
Then One Kamba, one Somali, one Taita, One Luhya, one Samburu, one Turkana. And there are no substantial ministries which are remaining. Oh my God, and he is aware why people were complaining. Is Kibaki a sane person? Is Kibaki alive? Can you trust him to steer the nation? The choice is yours. Pray for our nation.
I am really starting to question Kibaki’s sanity, is this guy for real????Has he been living in the same Kenya we have seen in the last 10 days? Maybe senility is catching up with him ??? So basically what he is implying is at the end of the day he has the LAST WORD. Let’s wait for parliament to convene next week. Maybe there is some hope there seeing he will be outnumbered.
Honestly I am so livid at Kibaki’s arrogance. Now how in the HELL is Raila going to listen agree to negotiations? Why the theatrics? I would like to know? Why is he making a mockery of Kenya?
Why does kibaki want to polarise Kenyans further? Appointing a person not popular with the public to the 2nd highest seat in the country!
Am sorry but if the country plunges into another period of madness he can only have himself to blame. he is directly provoking kenyans to violence. WHY? WHY? WHY?
thank you for the F word. by the way love your blog.
so really i think kibaki is insane something is wrong with this guy for real how do you set up a goverment when issues are still pending.
I think Mwai Kibaki and whoever advises him need a thorough psychiatric evaluation. Why name a cabinet now – oh boy! This is lunacy, madness, loco. There were signs of hope with the both parties drawing closer to the negotiating table and the rallies being called off. I weep for my beloved Kenya.
This is dizzying and no words can put this insanity to perpective. Now Kofuor might as well U-Turn since we (Kenya) are beyond salvage. We simply can’t be helped. I hope that the whole international community can now turn against this mad man from Mt. Kenya. And Karua for constitution affairs? Who does not remember the reason we didn’t even get the minimum reforms.
God have mercy on us…
Just when we thought finally people are getting sober and putting the country first! what a farce! i honestly think this is beyond insanity…somebody please help me with the correct word!!!!….iam here stumping back and forth…getting late for work..but WTF is really wrong with kibakiiiiii!!!!
If he really had to name a cabinet, could he not have selected some of the new MPs (even in central province they managed to vote out several of the tainted MPs)?
It is bad enough that he chooses to name a cabinet now while he pretends to hold out an olive branch to the opposition. But to look at that list and see the same tired list of recycled and likely corrupt insiders is to realize that the future of our country appears to be in the hands of people who would rather see it collapse.
Truly frightening!
Bwana, you’re right on the money!
Government of National Unity, my ass! (yes, it needed to be said) we’re further behind than when we started. Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it and Kalonzo’s “mirako” has come to pass despite his vehement denials to our media about his pursuit of of the vice presidency saying “I’m not looking for it.” But boy, did it find you, eh?
I expect that the second segment of this so called cabinet will mirror exactly the disproportion of the first. Suffice it to say that the opportunity to mediate that came with Kufuor is now going…..shall we Kenyans all give it a wave as it passes by?
I was a supporter of Raila until he and crew proved to be thugs like their counterparts. This election was rigged by both parties and it pains me to watch Raila try to fool us that he was robbed. The other day I watched a pre-election video on YouTube where Raila used ethnic stereotypes to create fear and hatred for other Kenyan. Is Raila the person who is going to bring unity and healing in Kenya? Kibaki on the other hand should have done a better job to promote unity. NO KENYAN should have to die because of Raila and Kibaki. I would rather have Kalonzo over these two jokers. In any case, Kalonzo ran a cleaner campaign and he has every democratic to be the Vice President especially after PNU and ODM cheated in the elections. By the way, Raila is not a great leader and I sadly predict that ODM will break apart in the very near future because he is not a uniter. I hope that a new crop of leaders will emerge from the newly elected MPs who stand for KENYANS and not a single tribe.
let us too…. belligerent onlookers…. wake up and smell the coffee. Kalonzo was a decoy to split the votes, he too is in the deal. This was a plan not well orchestrated but a plan. We are going down, Zim style. I have not been pessimistic but this….this has me goin’ nuggis. Spoke to Mum and she is saying Kisumu on fire and others fires starting again (Kakamega, Eldoret)mainly the youth , she too sounds broken and despairing. What is all this?!@%^*&
I watched the announcement on KTN. One of the most chilling things I have ever watched. This thing is like a movie. Our leaders have always been stupid but this takes the cake. But we should have seen it coming when Mutua said that Kufuor is coming because “he is an old friend and is coming to drink tea with Kibaki.” The question remains: is our “government” stupid, simple or slow? All 3 is my verdict with a healthy dose of arrogance.
It does not matter what Kibaki’s intentions were (i.e. be arrogant or to have a functioning cabinet during the crisis). When you make a decision, you have to analyze the profits and costs. Costs outweigh the gains. More riots are just breaking out. Kibaki better enjoy the time he has in power.. when this thing is over, he might have to move to Saudia Arabia
Musyoka.. ha! The ultimate opportunist. Wasn’t this the same fool that advised Kibaki not to name a cabinet until things were solved? Let him enjoy it.. it will be the closest he will ever get to the presidency!
CNN.COM – “Yes, there was rigging,” the U.S. envoy, Jendayi Frazer, told The Associated Press in an interview Monday in Nairobi, where she has been meeting with Kibaki and Odinga for the past three days.
“I mean there were problems with the vote counting process.” She added: “Both the parties could have rigged.” She said she did not want to blame either Kibaki or Odinga.
I will say it again, Kenyans shouldn’t let dishonest politician take away thier PEACE. Raila has shifted positions mutiple times in the last week. These are the times you can tell the true character of our “leaders”. What a selfish bunch?
I think a lot of people are displaying dissappointing Naivete here:
1. @ Honarary Kenyan: Raila cannot make his own laws like you suggested. A change in the existing laws would have to go through constitutional changes and that takes a long time – remember “BOMAS” and the “2005 REFERENDUM”?
2. @Abdullah: I’m not from Mt.Kenya, but I think you’re mistaken in asserting that the ministries were assigned to Mt.Kenya – Where is Saitoti MP of? Is that in Mt. Kenya? I think we need to start think with our heads here and remove the emotional anger. This is not tribal any more; It is Kibaki & Co Vs. Raila & Company. I voted for change, but when I see an innocent, poor mwananchi being hacked to death, I plea with my party leader to rally for peace, and follow the legal channels to resolve this. Raila has a lot of international support. BBC is practically his mouth peace. He can assert pressure on EMK without violence.
3. I’m not a Kibaki supporter, I was as dissappointed as most, but the country has to move on. We cannot operate without a functional government. The ministries that Kibaki made appointments to are key ministries that need to have someone in charge for the country to move forward. We cannot stay in limbo without a government. That would create more uncertainty and unrest. Let’s diplomatically agree to roll with this while we seek a legal solution.
Wow, Ory block this comment also, so democratic, such a tribalist, it is Raila or nothing, huh? There are many of us who need for Kenya to move on. Raila and his people can go rent an island or something. There is half a cabinet remaining and all those assistant minister-ships to boot. The President can still make for a government of national unity.
Please read what Jendayi Frazer said today, the ODM did rig in its part of the country. Please read what Bishop Korir said today, the Eldoret attacks were pre-planned and coordinated. So here we go now, not content with cheering on thieves like Raila, Musalia, Ruto, Kosgei, Kosgey, Cheruiyot and Mwaita you want to add blood to your resume.
Bah, they are just Kikuyus after all are they not?
Kibaki’s arrogance is beyond measure. He decided that he will hold onto power by all means possible and nothing will move him no matter what anybody says or does.
Our neighbours Kenyans,
Poleni sana. I pray for peace in your country. Its obvious that Kibaki doesn’t wish anyone well. You gotta remain strong and united though.Its very important.You shall overcome.
This has just gone too far. Kibaki is a freaking sick old man. :evil:To hell with power hunger. What happens to sanity when people get into power? People are out suffering and dying because of the insane blindness and greed by two individuals to be called “rais”. They claim to have Kenaya’s interest in mind but all they have is convoluted, selfish personal interests. To hell with our leadership. We, the Kenyan people, deserve better!
Until the philosophy which holds one clique superior and the masses inferior… is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned
Until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of our nation
Until the ethnic background of a Kenyan is of no more significance than the texture of his hair
Until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to tribe
Until that day, the dream of a lasting resolution to this conflict… and the rule of national morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained
Until the ignoble and greedy regimes that holds all Kenyans in subhuman bondage, have been kicked out and replaced
Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will
Until all Kenyans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven
Until that day, the Kenyan nation will not know peace. Kenyans will continue to fight for our rights and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of GOOD over EVIL.
(These Words (edited to suit context) were uttered by Haile Selassie I at a UN conference in 1963. They were popularised by Bob Marley in his song War/No more trouble).
Two words for politicians BI-POLAR and SCHIZOPHRENIC.
I am not surprised but very very disappointed.
Only Kenyans can take the power.
Our current leaders are POWER HUNGRY MANIACS.
I don’t even think I can even begin to say what I want say. I feel like a part of me is dying. I wish I could …. I don’t know. I am from Kakamega, living in the US, all I wish I could do is meet with those who are supposed to be my enemies, and say… I don’t know what to say.
I wish I could go hand in hand with my Kikuyu friends, strangers etc, and march in the streets. Let’s first start with NO MASSACRES. Let’s wipe tears, and then let’s sit down and talk about our real fears.
The truth, I was indifferent to mildly annoyed by Kibaki, but I now fear him and his group. It is now a personal attack. I fear he is waiting till the spotlight disappears and comes after me, my family etc, even though I never supported the massacres. I do not trust him. I fear nobody in his group will stop him. I fear that after a while, he will get aid from US,UK and use it to hit back at me and my family if I am in Kenya.
As I said I am in the US, I don’t know what I would think, if I were back at home in Nairobi. Actually, I had postponed buying property, as I wanted to use the money to setup a business at home.
I do cling to a hope that there are more of us who can see the abyss, and say we do not want to doom our fellow Kenyans to this nightmare.
I know that there is also fear on the “other side” (what nonsense, but can’t define this better). I know there is a fear that the rest of Kenya is coming to burn down Central, and to some as offensive as Kibaki is.. they see him as the only one holding back the deluge.
Oh God Almighty, hear our prayers!!!
its sad. i used to rely on this blog for news.
now i can’t because objective comments stated in a logical an emotional manner are the order of the day.
sorry Kibz is not luo, you didn’t vote for him, he is not all domo.
kenya is bigger than RO or KIbz and has to go on.
si even you went back to SA when you could have stayed in our great nation and cheered on RO? same here, kenya needs to move on
I say, “Hold your horses with all the swear words and the judgements”… There remains a lot yet to unfold and when this whole issue is fully unveiled (the whole story is not yet in the public domain) many of us will be left speechless. Let’s all take some quiet time and try to rewind the events of the last few months (including campaign time) and let us with sober and intelligent minds try to piece it all together for ourselves… Let’s not react emotionally but instead keep our wits around us coz I have a gut feeling (call it a woman’s instinct) that heavier stuff is yet to come. Let’s take care of those who need our help right now and avoid hurting any more innocent people. Peace!
Seems like Kibaki truly wants to step into Moi’s shoes..(Nyayo & Co.).
What a waste of time for all of us.
For those wishing Kalonzo would save face by rejecting the VP appointment, too late!!
According to Nation Newspaper
After receiving the news, Mr Musyoka said he was greatly honoured by the appointment and thanked the President on his party’s behalf.
He said: “I am intensely aware that the appointment comes at a very difficult time when the country is going through very painful moments.â€
National healing
He pledged to work towards national healing and reconciliation and said the fact that the President had announced half of the Cabinet showed that he was still open to dialogue.
Ohhh what greed!
Kibaki is slowly but surely taking over the initiative; he is obviously a step ahead of ODM, and what just happened in political terms is that he just has broadened his base to include ODM-Kenya, at the obvious expense of further alienating the ODM block that doesn’t and wouldn’t like him anyway, whatever he did short of stepping down– and we know he’s not doing that. ODM better polish their grasp of politics and history, because if they did, they would not be surprised by what is happening, and they would spend less time venting on the media, in blogs and demonstrating on the streets, and spend more time strategizing.
I think kibaki should see a mental doctor
anyway we lost it, the people of kenya lost it.
What happens next will be beyond the control of anyone. Imagine the 200,000 odd so kenyans who are sitting ducks in the rift valley corridor.
the projected death toll will shoot up since there is an opportunity for planned attacks, especially targeting the wananchi along the vast rift valley. Crazy!
[…] tomorrow. Kenyan Pundit is posting diaries from various ordinary Kenyans about the crisis. She also expresses dismay at Kibaki’s move in naming his Cabinet. Kibaki has just announced a new Cabinet on […]