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Parliament coverage (ongoing updates)

Marsgroup Kenya should be showing live clips every 15 minutes. Site is a bit slow so be patient.

Man, I wish I could be liveblogging this.

Live broadcasting of Parliament should be a permanent thing. Trying to get MPs to vote that in is another matter altogether. A

From a skype chat with someone […]

Diary 19 – We are after all each other


I left Kenya when i was 24 years, 10 month and some days old. With me were two suitcases stuffed with books and unsuitable clothing for the upcoming winter and in the midst of the hot, tuesday afternoon, my heart was burdened by the choice I feel I had to take.

I […]

Diary 18 – My heart bleeds for my beloved country


This will be long so brace yourself! As I write this, I have tears welling in my eyes once more. I thought I was through with that until I reported back to the office today after a 3 weeks break. I live and work in Khartoum, Sudan and every single person […]

Diary 17 – I no longer think my government listens to me

By Allan Kirui

I have been reading your blog and other and I must admit, like many others, it is a much better source of information than the actual news pages! Thank you!!

Personally, I was too young (or perhaps also too naïve) in the Moi era to know whether he rigged himself in, […]

Diary 16 – Government of National Unity

Written by Ben Kiilu (aka BigBen)

Kibaki, the man who many believe is illegally in office as the president of Kenya has offered to form a government of national unity. Not a surprising turn of events. Many will urgue; yes, there goes a true leader, trying to find a solution to save our motherland. While […]

3 posts I should have written but I didn’t….

Number 1, Ushahidi is already getting good traffic since it’s launch and already gone through a number of updates. Hash, has put up a great post highlighting the changes. Keep spreading the word and encouraging people to submit stories.

Number 2, a number of people responded to my rant about Kibaki’s appointment of a new […]

Diary 15 – I cannot say “Happy New Year”

By Kui

I have never found it so hard to wrap my mind around the phrase ‘Happy New Year’ before. The sun is shining outside my window. I am on my way back to the rest of my life overseas. I am glad to be alive. But somehow, in another locality, the locality where […]

Diary 14 – What way forward?

By Nits

he call for immediate new elections as a way forward out of the current crisis is not a feasible solution. Elections in order to be credible to all sides must be free, fair, and transparent. This is not possible given the current state of Kenya. The last estimate of displaced people is now […]