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Diary 13 – Feeling unwanted in my own country

By Kenneth Karanja

Let me start on Dec. 24, 2007. My friends and I met to finalize on our investment plan for Kenya. We were planning to buy shares and build some hostels. Loans were to be taken, several hundred thousand. We were all ecstatic that the economic growth in Kenya would allow us to […]


Last week, in between nightmares about where my country was going, I was dreaming of a Google Mashup to document incidents of violence, looting etc. that have occurred during the post-election crisis.

Today, Ushahidi is born.

The website was literally put together in 2 days and is a testament to the best of […]

Diary 12 – Reach out!

By Kamau

Going through this whole nightmare has brought up some very raw emotions in me. Rage at the politicians, deep sorrow for the victims and burning anger at the thugs. However it is some of my friends who have evoked that sense of disbelief in me. I’m talking of people that we went to […]

Breaking news…

Kibaki has just announced a new Cabinet on KBC.

One minute address. No condolences. No calls for peace. Nothing.

Kalonzo VP (what a snake). Other usual suspects back – Murungi, Karua (justice), Michuki, also Uhuru.

Announcement was only for half the cabinet (he doesn’t have enough guys…this is funny in a morbid kind […]

Diary 10 – Africa needs to find what works for us

By Anon

“I also want to say that I agree with the sentiments of Damte and only hope that we can learn from one another.

The sad events that have taken place in Kenya over the last few days have just displayed to me that democracy in Africa may not necessarily be the answer for […]

Diary 9 – I hate it!

By Erick

About making it personal, I’ll borrow a phrase from Half n Half:

I hate it that I saw a pic of a man carrying a little girl to safety, and was shaken. “There but the Grace of God go I”.

I hate it that the extremists are now holding the rest of us […]

Diary 8 – How does it feel to be witnessing this from the diaspora

By Tamtam

“I feel shit scared, and niko na wasi wasi 24/7.

I started a blog today, as my phone has been ringing off the hook with friends, colleagues, and relatives elsewhere checking on what is happening. It just felt easier to put things in one place.

I feel so powerless knowing that things could […]

Update Jan 8

I’m glad today’s rally was called off. Hopefully the negotiations will bear fruit though I worry that a flawed electoral process and result might be legitimized in the process.

I’ve received several reports from guys with relatives in Western/Nyanza saying that people who live in Nairobi and have been stuck there since the violence began […]