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There’s a deal!

Details here.

Of course, there’s a lot of negatives like the effective absence of an opposition. But it gives the country some much-needed breathing space and I sincerely hope an opportunity for the hard work of rebuilding, healing, and creating a new political space to begin.

Ways to help keep the peace in Kenya

It is increasingly seeming like my worst fears will be confirmed, and the Annan mediation talks will become a long road to nowhere.

Frustrated as we are, I think it is important for us as Kenyans to keep trying to find ways to wrest the fate of our country from these two power-hungry individuals. You […]

Opportunity for theatre artistes in East Africa

Please let us introduce the Sundance Institute Theatre Program, one of America ‘s leading programs supporting new writing for the stage. Based in Sundance, Utah (with offices in Los Angeles, California), as part of the Sundance Institute (www.sundance.org), its mission is to identify and assist emerging theatre artists, to reinvigorate the creative energies of established […]

CCP Update Feb 22nd

The CCP Technical team had a meeting yesterday, 21st February 2008 discussing whether CCP should continue to exist (unanimous agreement on this) and if so how it should do so.

Various decisions were reached in the meeting including:

o Morning forum- meetings will now be held once a week on Friday’s from 830 a.m. to […]

Quick Hits: Feb 21

Thanks everyone for sharing the 8-4-4 memories, you have me cracking up…and it’s a great reminder of what’s so fabulous about being Kenyan.

– Problems I’d like to have. Oh darling…do we really have to give up the Barcelonas…tehehe. Gosh I miss the self-indulgent aspects of living in the U.S. sometimes. I haven’t done much […]

Mental break: 8-4-4 memories

Apologies for the lack of posts, been dealing with personal stuff (read drama).

So I’ve been thinking it’s time for a little break since the news is slow pending the outcome of the Annan negotiations. There’s all sorts of people complaining about “imposed” solutions,and foreign intervention, and “Kenyan solutions“, but the last time I […]

Concerned Citizens for Peace Update Feb 11

(Notes were taken by Shalini, I’ve taken the liberty of categorizing them).


* Rain means the situation in the camps has badly deteriorated. Flooding leads to disease, there is nowhere to sleep, kids having to scoop water out of tents. Standards truly appalling. Who’s responsibility is the camps? Govt is […]

Quick Hits – Feb 11

Fundraising event for Kenyans in NY: Kenyans in New York are organising a fundraiser aimed at helping the victims of the violence. We are fundraising specifically for Urgent Action fund which has a rapid response strategy and reaches out to victims of violence. Our focus is that the funds be used for post – exposure […]