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Kenyans teargassed for demanding lean Cabinet

Details from one of the people who took part in the march can be found here. I’m happy to see that civil society is keeping up the pressure. I hope other Kenyans, especially middle-class Kenyans and those who have the luxury (responsibility?) of shifting our political paradigm but who are only too happy to criticize the politicians we have in bars and other venues, will step out of their (Safaricom IPO) bubbles and speak out.

4 comments to Kenyans teargassed for demanding lean Cabinet

  • Owuor

    ha ha ha, so we go to the streets, loot and burn peoples property because we want a cabinet???
    Dont u guy read your own posts???
    What have we missed in the last 3 months without a full cabinet….did u think of that?
    …..start that chorus again of ‘haki yetu’

    Perhaps you should read my own posts…who said anything about looting and burning? And people are not asking for a cabinet, just a LEAN cabinet. As for what we’ve missed…wow, just wow.

  • Mine

    It’s amazing how many times I hear that lame excuse – coming out of our homes/bars to make our voices heard does not equal looting & burning (or can you not tell the difference between planting trees & throwing stones?). It means coming out and starting to take responsiblity for your country. What have we missed without a full cabinet? Do you not read the newspapers or watch the news..? Or ..No. I’m sorry – you wouldn’t tell the difference from inside that bubble!

  • Christina


    I suspect that “Owuor” is writing “under-cover” and has not quite figured what the real issues are. I would say ignore him, but the sad part is that there are still many people out there who think that the wanainchi’s rights will be won sitting on the living-room couch and waiting for Kibaki & Company to come to their senses. NOT!
    Kudos to every Kenyan who braved tear-gas, police harassment and injury to stand up for the rights of all who want a reformed government starting with a uncorrupted, lean cabinet made up of professional, hard-working public servants.
    “Owuor”, the chorus -haki yetu- never ended, we are still building up to a crescendo, and the freedom tune will be deafening. Just you wait and see! If you can’t take the heat, step aside and let the choir sing!!!!!!

  • Anon

    I ceased being amazed by the level of blindness (read: ignorance) of our bothers and sisters all over the continent about 5 years ago. Every now and then I get shocked that in the 21st TRUTH and their availability all over the web we STILL feed into mainstream media (read: propaganda) and bury our heads in the sand:(

    Thanks Ory for sharing the link to the (ex) ostrich in Nairobi blog it is refreshing to see that folks are utilizing the web for what it was intended, connection, truth and reconcilliation!

    But for real Owuor: WOW!!! perhaps you should read, re-read, digest the information, contemplate on the messages, meditate upon them BEFORE you respond.

    YOU may not have missed anything from your cushy lifestyle but if you read Ory’s blog last week about the new “traffic-congestion-eradication” plan put into place by Uhuru Kenyatta and maybe TRY to put YOURSELF in the shoes of those who have to now double both the time and money to get to work you MAY see what has been missed…