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On Why Amnesty for Grand Corruption is a Bad Idea…

Mars Group is (as always) on top of things.

And is it just me, or is John Githongo’s operation rather lame?

AOB: One of the best summaries of Obama’s speech that I’ve read from the pundits (for real some of the talking heads on TV deserve to be slapped).

Look Ma I’m on TV!

So my natural instinct is to want to go off and run and hide somewhere because my Ted talk is finally up on TED’s website…I barely remember what I said, I was so nervous and ish…and its also very personal.

But I might as well enjoy my 15 mins of fame on the interwebs…maybe […]

KNCHR post-election violence report names

For those who are looking, more details/names can be found in the latest Africa Confidential…click on the link below (hat tip B!).


Report on the Kriegler Commission

We are all Commission of Inquiry weary, but this piece gives some good insight on the ongoings at Kriegler and on why the stakes are too high for the real truth to be revealed.

Also worth a read, this article in the Christian Science Monitor.


Kenya in the Olympics

I want to join everyone in congratulating the Kenyan athletes for a tremendous performance…the marathon gold was the icing on the cake.

And then I’m going to rain on the parade by asking why the hell there were more officials than athletes in the Kenyan contigent that went to Beijing? According to the Nation: […]

Whither the citizen war reporter?

Evegeny Morozov, has an interesting piece in Open Democracy looking at the role of citizen journalists in conflict (specifically Georgia). He argues that citizen journalists are not the magic bullet that they’ve been trumped up to be as far as covering news in underreported conflict areas.

While he does have some valid points, I […]

Forum on Vision 2030

The Institute of Economic Affairs is holding a Public Forum on Vision 2030 on Wednesday, 27th August 2008 at 4.45 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. at The Sarova Stanley Hotel-Ball Room. The aim of the Forum is to present the Vision 2030 and critique the Economic and Political Pillars. Due to past work with scenarios and […]

Githongo Talk at Strathmore

This Friday at 2.30 p.m. John Githongo will be giving a talk on “Re-defining Ethics in Africa – Key issues”. The talk is based in his research at St Anthony’s, College Oxford.

Venue: Strathmore Business School, Lecture Hall

Hat tip MM!