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ODM Statement in full

Click here for page 1 and here for page 2.

Not even a mention of the people who lost their lives! Especially the young people who truly believed they are protesting for a good cause and who were responding to “mass action.”

I predict this is the beginning of the end of ODM. Since […]

ODM rejects Waki report

Well then…I really have nothing to add except that in case it wasn’t clear to Odinga before, it should be now…ODM ina wenyewe. He had an opportunity to make it clear who’s running the show and he didn’t…perhaps putting a premium on keeping his slim majority in Parliament…this will definitely come back to bite him […]

UN Procurement Scandal in Kenya – full report

Hat tip to my trusty source! (now if someone can unleash those Waki names…)

The UN’s procurement task force recently unraveled a procurement corruption scandal at the UN offices in Nairobi. You can now read the full report here: un. I just skimmed over it…boy is the process bureaucratic or what? I’m sure there’s lots […]

Ushahidi alpha is out!

Click here for all the juicy details!

Waki Commission – options beyond ICC/tribunal?

My two cents on options for civil society…

First, many organizations (some of who testified before Waki) have powerful testimonials / evidence etc. from that period…I suggest bringing these back to the forefront via media etc- personalize the stories (so that it is not become just an ODM vs PNU story)…young lives were snuffed out, […]

More thoughts on the Waki Commission

I have been following a couple of discussions on mailings about how civil society / concerned citizens should proceed in the aftermath of the Waki report. There is general agreement that this is a good opportunity to address the culture of impunity (especially among Kenyan politicians), and there is little faith that the politicians will […]

Zuku broadband review

I know Wananchi folks read KP, anyone care to respond to this scathing review (esp on customer service).

Waki…a Commission we can believe in?

So a lot of ink has been spilled over the last few days over the Waki report. The general consensus, even among the typically skeptical echelons of civil society, is the report is well done. The Commission actually has a pretty decent website, but the report – of all things – is not available there. […]