I’ve lots of blog posts churning in my brain – the media law, one year since the election/Ushahidi, the shameless coalition “eating” (yes Raila is behind the disappearing maize), Obama’s inauguration (yeah!)…just have to find the time to write them. In the meantime, I’ll start my foray back to blogging with light posts. On the personal front, still firmly in sleepless nights zone but thankfully Gabi has adjusted very well to being a big sister. She’s started play school this week though (which she’s enjoying) and has already picked up the art of dramatic tantrums from (dare I say mannerless) playmates. Sigh.
– Obama’s Indonesian lookalike.
– Be nice to your classmates, they just might become President.
– Clay Shirky on why you shouldn’t worry about information overload.
– Mapping Kogelo. LOL at having to get permission from the chief.