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Activists arrested outside parliament

Philo Ikonya, Fwamba FC Fwamba, and Patrick Kamotho have been beaten and arrested by police while demonstrating against lack of unga, and corruption in government at Parliament Buildings. The protests were planned to coincide with Ruto’s censure motion scheduled for today. Philo Ikonya and Fwamba FC Fwamba are currently being held at Central Police Station. […]

Report on implementation of coalition govt

A report prepared by South Consulting on the implementation of the agreements from the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation (KNDR) is now available on the KNDR website.

Kenyan MP’s Version of the National Anthem

Author Unknown

Politicians of all persuasions Strip this our land and nation. Fortunes motivate us and keep us. May we steal with impunity Dodge taxes in unity; Plenty be sourced within our dockets.

Let all politicians arise With scams both wily and foolproof. Eating be our earnest endeavour, And our cake-stand of Kenya, […]

LA Times on the late Father Kaiser

While the absurdity of a former dictator (Moi) and two corrupt incompetents (Raila & Kibaki) helping us figure out the “Kenya We Want” in an expensive conference sinks in, lets take a moment to remind ourselves just how bad things were during the Moi years (hat tip DW!).

EDIT: Part 3 of the series […]

Quick Hits: Feb 5

– For those who took pictures with the ubiquitous Obama cutout, notice his hands were white?

– Interesting NYTimes look at Google’s venture into internet infrastructure in Kenya/Africa.

– Google local search for Nairobi launched.

– Macharia Gaitho’s op-ed on the Molo tragedy is a MUST read. Money quote: Whether super-rich or dirt-poor, […]

On the teachers’ strike

So I have been following the news about the teachers’ strike because it is an interesting (and rare) test of the coalition government as far as a section of Kenyans saying enough is enough and demanding their dues. The government’s initial knee-jerk reaction and tear gassing of peaceful protestors suggested that it is business as […]

Kenyan activists in action

In a few days maybe I’ll be able to stop frothing at the mouth at the barrage of terrible headlines coming from Kenya.

Until then, something positive.

I constantly complain about the penchant for Kenyans to be permanently outraged about the state of their affairs, but then be unable to act upon their […]