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Revisioning Kenya 3 – June 4th


Details: Thursday 4th June 6.30 to 8.30pm with drinks afterward and music by Ugomatic. Alliance France auditorium, Loita/Monrovia Street

Featured Speakers: – Filmaker Judy Kibinge’s film “From the Ashes”, Revisioning Kenya, organised by Beyond Words, will provide a platform for a series of […]

Supplementary Budget Scandal

The supplementary budget scandal continues with reports from Marsgroup (who broke the initial scandal) that the even the “revised” budget numbers don’t add up. Meanwhile, the House Committee has given the revised numbers a clean bill, Uhuru has taken to cracking jokes about the issue, and the usual suspects are looking for the bogeyman (read […]

A Better Life Beckons In Africa

Story in the Washington Post about African immigrants moving back home after basically getting tired of the 24-7 hustle of life in the West and tired of worrying about the recession.

I’m definitely seeing this a lot with my friends / peers – you do give up luxuries and there are frustrations but you […]

Have Your Say…

In an ideal world, if Kenyan MPs were to embrace the use of technology, what kinds of things would you like to see?

Quick Hits (easy on a Sunday morning edition)

– Rafiki Kenya’s superb review on places to eat, chill, and general ku-jienjoy in Nairobi. I wish more bloggers would write positively about Nairobi – so much good there, still.

– New blogs I’ve discovered/I like: Musings of an Alien The Gay Kenyan

– For the mamas, especially new mamas (who Google everything tehehe), this […]

KARA Bi-monthly talk series

Dear KP readers, I have neglected my blog lately. Sorry! Combination of kids, crazy travel schedule, getting back into the thick of work, training new nanny, and yes the fact that twitter is easier I need a clone…

Just came across this announcement in my in-box. Might be of interest. KARA stands for the Kenya […]