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Mo Faya in Nairobi

A Kenyan musical written and composed by Eric Wainaina and directed by John Sibi-Okumu.

Starring: Eric Wainaina, Valerie Kimani, Atemi Oyungu and MÅ©mbi Kaigwa

Location:  The GoDown Arts Centre – Dunga Rd, off Lusaka Rd Tickets available at Silverbird Cinemas (Village Market, Junction and Westgate) and selected Uchumi outlets

Contact Info: Mo Faya 0720 492540 http://www.mofayathemusical.com

Dates: November 11th to December 20th: Wednesdays (1 ticket for 2) – 7.30pm – Sh300 adults, Sh300 students (13-18yrs) Thursdays and Fridays – 7.30pm – Sh600 adults, Sh400 students (13-18yrs) Saturdays – 2.30pm & 7.30pm – Sh800 adults, Sh400 students (13-18yrs) Sundays – 2.30pm – Sh800 adults, Sh400 students (13-18yrs)

DJ Lwanda’s voice rings out daily on local radio, leading and inspiring the Nairobi community of Kwa Maji. But Anna Mali, an avaricious real estate diva, craves the land beneath their slum. She seduces the fiery young DJ away with a job at a top nationwide station, and organizes a violent campaign to terrorize the people of Kwa Maji. When the government and media turn a blind eye to the decapitated bodies in the streets, DJ Lwanda must return home to expose the truth. But at what cost?

3 comments to Mo Faya in Nairobi

  • Laura

    Hi, I’m an italian journalist. I’d like to interview you about the Ushahidi project. My email: laura.bogliolo(@)gmail.com. Thanks! Laura

  • maisha

    it was AWESOME!

  • Great blog. Many websites like yours cover subjects that aren’t found in magazines. I don’t know how we got by 15 years ago with just print media.