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Survey: Africa in Higher Education

Dear KP readers, please help out Natasha, a University of Cape Town Ph.D. student conducting survey on African Studies/ Africana / Diaspora / Carribbean Studies in institutions of higher education. She is seeking undergraduate, postgraduate, and recent graduate responses to simple 10-question survey:http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/2Z6QC7C

For further information, you can contact Natasha at nhimmelman-at-gmail.com.

On Kibera, flying toilets and poop.

I have been wanting to write this for a while now. Especially after I read about Peepoo: a biodegradable plastic bag that acts as a single-use toilet for urban slums in the developing world. Inspired by the ever ubiquitous Kibera flying toilets.

Now my post is not about the benefits (or idiocy) of Peepoo, […]

Kenyans for Kenya

A group of Kenyans have been quietly working to address the issue of negative ethnicity/tribalism through honest and productive dialogue.

Their Kenyans for Kenya Newsletter summarizing a recent round of dialogue has some interesting insight.