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First, a couple of people responded to my rant on the coverage by Kenyan journalists by making a point that I should have acknowledged – beyond the government clamp down, the journalists are also inhibited by the positions taken by whoever owns the media houses, there are reports of journalists already being fired for taking a different editorial stance than what is dictated “from above.” [An aside: Is an independent radio station carrying mostly news and NPR type interest stories feasible in Kenya?]

I spent the day away from the news and the computer so I’m just now catching up on the terrible events in Nakuru. Johnny Brooks, a missionary who is living and working in Nakuru has some good accounts from the ground. It seem that efforts to end the impasse have not amounted to much. The worry now is that if what is going on in Nakuru is not contained, other urban areas will flare up again. At least the military has been brought in to restore security (one month too late!). The whole country is still waiting for either Raila or Kibaki (or preferably both of them) to be the bigger person and see that this is about way more than a won or lost election. The country is literally being torn apart. Raila, you can’t call for peace on one hand, while implying that it is OK to kill Kikuyus. Kibaki, you can’t let the violence go on in the hopes of gaining mileage against ODM. But I’m just repeating what many have said. I don’t know what else to say.

I had a conversation last night with someone who was traveling to Western Kenya on Dec 29th. It was a harrowing tale and there were tears in his eyes as he was narrating it. I’m only blogging about it because it was so disturbing, yet this is just ONE example of what is happening. And I think I’m just tired of having the conversation running through my mind and I need to off-load…how did we come to this? The guy is a Luhya, and was driving to Western Kenya with his brother and his sister-in-law who is a Kikuyu and their two kids. They encountered at least 13 roadblocks in Eldoret. This was before the presidential results were announced. In his opinion the violence in Rift Valley was definitely pre-planned, echoing an initial report published by Human Rights Watch. At each roadblock they were stopped by armed gangs threatening to kill his sister-in-law and the kids. The kids were crying the whole way. The only way they survived was by bribing at each roadblock. He said that if they didn’t have cash with them they would have been dead. At one point his brother just got out of the car and asked the gang to kill them all…he was tired of bargaining for lives. There was no police presence at all on the day (meanwhile in Kisumu???). They finally made it to Kisa in Western Kenya in one piece. The results were announced the next day. The brother and a cousin who’s also married to a Kikuyu happened to be in town, a mob caught up with them, beat them to a pulp and burnt their car – their crime – being married to outsiders. The mob, their neighbours and friends. They made it through the roadblocks only to almost die in their “home.” This is just a summary of what happened. The guy giving me the story was a die-hard ODM supporter before the election, but in his words – “no presidency is worth what has happened.”

I’m beginning to think that the only way out of this is for the moderates to begin to get a stronger voice and more prominence. One can only hope right? For more info. on initiatives to bring a “third force” to the fore, check out Peace in Kenya.

On a lighter note (in a bizarre kind of way), check out this great picture by Rob.

EDIT: Links have been fixed. The Raila quote I refer to is as follows: Raila asked the Luo to live peacefully with their Kisii neighbours, saying the Abagusii community had overwhelmingly voted for him, but their votes “had been stolen by President Kibaki”. “We should have seven of the 10 parliamentary seats in Kisii, but Kibaki men stole the votes and we only got four. The Kisii are our people. We must not touch them,” he said. Does that mean that it is OK to go after everyone else who didn’t vote for him?

45 comments to :-(

  • Abass

    Hi Ory, thanks for those updates. I, however, would like to tell you that the link to where you were alleging Raila was implying to kill Kikuyus didn’t work for me and I would really appreciate if you would give me a link that is working. I am an ODM supporter and to be honest, it maybe difficult for me to impartial but I would take with great seriousness anything that Raila said which implies killing Kikuyus. As much as I support ODM, any leader who feels that the life of the poor Kenyan is worthless isn’t worthy of my support.

  • Ngugi

    Am just as confused. I’ve heard gut wrenching stories, seen some disturbing scenes on TV, and tried to be rational about what is happening but to no avail. My faith in the current breed of leaders has dipped into a new low. My belief in fellow Kenyans has continued to dwindle and my trust in my neighbours is at an all time low. Yet whenever I meet other Kenyans I try to force a smile, show some kind of normalcy in an attempt to prove that these recent events haven’t changed me one bit.
    I was born and raised in Nakuru, I can remember proudly walking to Moi primary school every morning, Monday to Friday in my uniforms with a bag full books (never read half of them). My classmates were from all over Nakuru and of different tribes yet this never bothered me/us. I guess what am trying to say is our leaders have failed us. I don’t see Kibaki or Odinga bulging or making any concessions any time soon, they both (believe to) have too much vested to coincide.

  • Susan

    Where is the Church ? Where are the spiritual leaders that have not taken useless sides. Where are they ?
    Why aren’t they screaming from the roof tops, urging their congregations against violence. Where is the Church ? Where are our church leaders ?
    Why is the congregation talking politics instead of what would Jesus do ?
    Where is the church ? Where are our Church leaders ? Where are they ?
    Their silence is deafening. Those that are speaking out are spewing venom. Where are those that have something to say, from the Thron of God, to the people of God who have gone astray ? Where are the Church leaders ?

  • Ishara


    That was a terrible ordeal and I’m sorry that he and his family had to go through that.

    And yet I disagree completely with the notion that somehow ODM got together with the Sabaot Land Defence Force (for instance) and planned to perpetrate crimes against humanity or PNU sat down with Mungiki (for instance) and strategized about how best to exact vengence-pure conjecture.

    Where do we get these wild notions from? I understand that the country is burning but the level to which we now go to justify our paranoia is extreme!

    As far as I know te NSIS has not been wiped off the face of Kenya and there is NOTHING Kibaki and PNU would not love more than to show Annan and his team, international/domestic media as well as wananchi the proof that Odinga/ Ruto/ ODM was involved in planning and orchestrating ethnic violence in the Rift-smug and self congratulating themselves all the while.

    Similarly, there is NOTHING ODM would like more than to incriminate their PNU. If they had even a shred of evidence that PNU was actively recruiting and/or liasing with mungiki, the luminaries would climb atop the highest and most self righteous soap box to shout about it we’d probably go deaf.

    Like it or not, WE are to blame.

    Wananchi like you and I have lost (and continue to lose) all respect for the sanctity or life-our own or anyone elses.

  • Allan

    This is sad! i thought that things were starting to settle a little, but it seems that the violence is self feeding. The cycle of revenge is one that is hard to break. What will it take for our leaders to realise that they have to pull out all the stops to restore the country? at what point will their eyes be fully opened to the situation and political well-being be replaced by concern for the country? (as it should be with leaders)

    More and more I’m beginning to think that they really have no control, nor do they even know what to do.. so they sit back and hope things will settle!

  • debaba

    I feel the media or the sources have blown this issue out of proportion, the fact is that the presidential election was questionable and clearly flawed, Kenyans are not stupid they voted and they know who they voted for as their president, They had faith that their voices would be heard and that democracy woyld prevail this time and the real elected predident would imerge??????Everyone voted peacefully from all corners of our country, waited patiently for the results and then Kivuitu made one fatal mistake through pressure as per his own quotes and chaos broke, I do not think anybody planned any violence in advance, this is a scapegoat as right now no one knows where the wind is going to blow, and by acusing and pointing fingers will not solve anything, people should be careful what they print out there, tomorrow is not known, and all these propaganda would come back to haunt so many. I some how agree with ICJ’S MR Kegoro’s suggestions, what do you think Sunday Nation 27th

  • Majimbo –

    Isn’t it now time to start thinking about this?
    As far as I’m concerned, there’s no real perspective to get peace neither through power-sharing nor an election re-run.

    Raila has categorically rejected the proposal of being PM under Kibaki. Everybody is crying for peace. Everybody now feels only safe among their own folks. Kenyans are now both victims and perpetrators. Who believes that an election re-run would solve this problem? As Annan has noticed, the whole thing has turned “into something else”.

    Could you imagine a”United States of Kenya” or a”Federal Rebublic of Kenya”? With powers equally distributed among the provinces each represented by a Minister President elected by the people of the respective provinces.

    As I live in Germany, I can tell that this system works very effectively. Where previously many independent units existed – such as counties, princedoms, duchies etc. under monarchy and during the wars – the so-called “Federal Republic of Germany” was created after WW II. This was the only model that could facilitate the vast differences among the Germans: such as tribes and provincial mentalities (Bavarians, Prussians, Suebes etc.), regional mentalities (i. e. Northern and Southern Germans), languages and traditions. These differences are so deeply engrained influencing not only day-to-day life but even basic stuff like eating habits.

    This system not only accomodates these differences but also allows the individual to identify with both: the regional and national identity. A Bavarian who lives near Munich will always consider himself first as a Bavarian and then as a German. As a Bavarian he has his own Minister President and provincial government and state laws. As a German he is a citizen of a nation with the Chancellor as head of the republic, federal government and federal laws. The citizen has to respect and abide by both systems which he benefits from.

    If Majimbo is federalism it is working beautifully in Germany with all its tribes (peoples). What about Kenya…

  • sam dc

    It is sad to read what that family went through. The genie is out of the bottle as we see the spreading and continueous killings going on; unfortunately. The two leaders must be forced to compromise one way or another by the UN, ICC, or whatever the international organazation may be to bring these killings to a stop.

    Having said that, I must be forgetting that in Congo DR, such figures as huge as 5.4 million people are reported as having been killed through regional and inter-tribal violence since Mobutu’s overthrough less than ten years ago.

    About 1 million people mainly Ntutsi were killed in Rwanda in 100 days as the whole world saw UN forces withdrew and everquate foregrein nationals as they left the locals to be m ascared.

    It is us to rise up and force these so called leaders to come from thier comfort zones and do what it takes to put this cheos they created in order or else be held accountable. HOPEFULLY ONE CAN SUE THESE LEADERS IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT FOR CAUSING THIS MESS AND LOSS OF LIVES WHILE THEY GET ALL THE ATTENTION OF TAKING A PHOTO SMILING WIDELY TO THE WHOLE WORLD, WHILE THEIR PEOPLE CONTINUE TO DIE AND PROPERTIES BURN!!

  • Nyamse

    It very well could be that some of the attacks were pre-planned (on both sides). What will be difficult to separate are reactionary incidents following the announcement that Kibaki had won, vs premeditated and systematically planned acts of violence. I was in Nairobi in late November through early December and remember seeing a scary story that was carried by all the major TV stations as well as print media. A manager at Nakumatt Junction called police one day when hundreds of youth came to his store in the course of one day and bought hundreds of pangas/machetes. They may have cleared his entire stock. I’m not sure what came of the incident or where the youths were from. At around the same time (Nov 22nd or so), crude weapons including pangas, whips and arrows were found in an official GK vehicle belonging to Water Raphael Wanjala (at the time he was MP for Budalangi). Again, I am not sure what came of this incident as it disappeared from the media radar after Wanjala was questioned by police. The car was headed to Western Kenya and was impounded in Nakuru. All Kenyans were privy to information regarding the two incidents I have mentioned above. It very well could be that there was a lot more happening that did not get reported and all this was BEFORE the elections. I guess we should have been more shocked by the news but we told ourselves “Kenyans are peace-loving, all will be well”.
    With Nakuru and now Naivasha blowing up, I fear that our leaders may not be able to contain their supporters (both sides).

  • Ory,

    The link for Raila killing Kikuyus does not work from my end, and your other link about the country being torn, I can’t seem to access either.

  • Saddened

    Ishara, you are on point. I think the need to believe that the violence was this mass conspiracy organized by a few individuals is a pschyological one. If it is just Ruto and Raila, the thinking goes, get rid of them and things return to normal. Pure fantasy.

    It is more… too be blunt it is turning into everyone against Kikuyu’s. The politicians played with fire, and the fire has overtaken them.

    Susan, the Church was compromised quite some time back, and meny in it’s leadership positions were really there for a paycheck.

    Having lived in the Rift, I wonder if anyone has asked about the soil fertility in the Rift. Has it dropped? What are the land pressures? We are so attached to land, maybe just maybe we do not have enough land for all to be farmers? If so then what? What does a future urban Kenya look like? Are all these battles proxies for a fight for resources?
    Btw, I took a cab ride yesterday, and when the cab driver found out I was from Kenya, the first question out of his mouth was “Are you a Kikuyu”?

  • Yes link to “killing Kikuyu” claim is broken as of Sunday and should be fixed or removed from this post. Lets not add fuel to the fire by airing uncorroborated insinuations.

  • Anna

    Do you think that the western media is superficial in its portrayel o f kenya?

  • D

    Allan, neither party is in control. The government is fooling themselves if they think they are ruling Kenya. The president can barely step in certain provinces in Kenya… and they can barely control two towns in the expansive Rift Valley. One month after the election, we have a lame duck government that no one respects or listens to. Please, Mr. Kibaki, can you rise up and be the leader that you say Kenyans voted for? Or is that too much work for you?

    They are not doing the maximum in trying to stop the violence. The army was only called out this weekend. Why??!!!! Using the army is a clear indication that the government can barely rule. Also, they fear putting certain parts of the Rift under the martial law (which would stop the violence) because
    (a) I believe the army is unhappy about what is going on.. any army would.. armies like peace within their borders and do not like having to fight the citizens they are supposed to protect.
    (b) It helps the argument that it is ODM and those calling the election rigged (observers, human rights groups and the international community) that are causing the violence.
    See this: http://robcrilly.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/camera2.jpg
    (c) helps with the notion of “kazi iendelee” which has now come to mean “please, stick your heads in the sand.”

    ODM must also realize that this has escalated beyond the election and should act accordingly and make hard choices. One of Kibaki’s strengths was the state of the economy. He needs to act immediately because that is being threatened. We are not a first-world country. Our economy can only take so much. The fact that the fighting is in parts of the Rift Valley, Kenya’s bread basket, is worrisome.

    It seems that Kenyan lives are dispensable. I have always complained that the West have always treated Africans as less than themselves. It seems our leaders do the same. After all, it is just poor people in Rift dying. They are safe in State House and their big houses in Runda/Karen.

    Right now, the safety of Kenyans, and not some overrated presidential position, should COME FIRST. IF the entire army must be sent out to ensure that not another Kenyan is lost, then so be it. The time of publicity campaigns and appearances are over… the election was a month ago… the votes have been cast and our leaders abused this process and we cannot allow them TO USE Kenyans as their pawns towards power.

    I fully support the police and the army as the try to protect our brothers and sisters.


  • John Charo

    At long last the truth is beginning to dawn on all of us!!!!! Kibaki, Raila and the Pentagon don’t give two hoots about the common mwananchi.

    If they did, Kibaki and his government would have done a lot more to stem the tide of violence. If the ODM leaders cared, they would have acted swiftly to condemn the violence as much as they shouted about a stolen election and called for mass protests. Instead Kibaki looks like a lame duck president who does not seem to have any direction. ODM leaders have belatedly realised that their silence about the violence is deafeningly loud. Why would Ruto wait for Human Rights Watch to condemn the violence and then speak out? His condemnation though welcome has come a month late. In fact if one was skeptical about his calls for peace, one might be inclined to think that he is saying this after the tide of violence has turned against his supporters.

    All of us regardless of political affiliation should condemn both camps for their greed, ineptness and failing to uphold the rule of law.

    As much as Kibaki has lost credibility, ODM leaders should not delude themselves that they have come out clean. Our political loyalties should not make us deny what is so patently clear: Some of the opposition leadership are culpable for the killings that have taken place. Just as the governments role in the current crisis should not be swept under the carpet, then similarly, the opposition should be held accountable for the wrongs they have committed. A press statement from Salim Lone is not enough to hoodwink us. That a man of his calibre would stoop so low leaves me seething. When the international community was condemning Kibaki they gladly cheered on. However, when tables were turned and the some of the opposition was condemned, then suddenly the international community does not understand the sensitive nature of Kenyan politics and should keep away to give “peace a chance”. Give me a break!!!!!.

    Following the investigations that are being carried out by various international bodies, anyone linked to the violence should be brought to book regardless of political affiliation and rank. We should start preparing people by telling them that the thugs behind the violence will not be protected whether they are from ones tribe or not. Justice meted out should not take on a tribal dimension and our politicians should not play that card again ever!!!!! They commit crimes and when justice comes knocking they cry “our community is being persecuted” Lets us all stand up and say “NEVER AGAIN!!!!” to these tribal thugs be they kikuyu, kalenjin luo, luhyia or giriama.

    I’m ahead of myself though. Let the violence stop and let peace prevail but still “NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!”

  • Joseph Nganga

    Kenya is in a precarious situation at the moment. We all have the opportunity to make a difference. That opportunity is to be bigger than ourselves. We are asking our politicians to swallow their egos for the sake of the country. We too, need to do the same. We can do this by reaching out to our friends across political, social and tribal divides.

    Reaching out by email, a phone call, a text message.
    Reaching out by not forwarding emails or text messages that fuel stereotypes or pit one community against another.
    Reaching out by making the conscious decision to look for solutions, rather than whom to blame.
    Reaching out by taking a personal responsibility to play a role, however small, but a role to bring an end to violence. An end to violence that will provide an opportunity to address the underlying issues.
    Reaching out by inviting people from communities other than yours to a cup of tea, some ugali or a game.

    We must all remember that if we are not a part of the solution, then we are part of the problem.

    “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” Edmund Burke


  • Susan

    Today Ruto, FINALLY talked about the violence and preached peace. what a hypocrite. As evidence is piling against them, their silence gave them away, NOW they will start to talk. ODM leaders have been sooo silent, till the tide turned.

  • reading the newspaper now is the most ardous task you could ever do. The word “killed” and figures is just plain disgust. Apparently, the violence has gone beyond Raila and Kibaki too sad they didn’t realize that earlier:???:

  • Your friend’s story is too sad .

  • My sister, let our love overshadow hatred in killers. I still want to remember how to love you, even when every part of me wants to forget it. I want to remember how to love you with every ounce of love that thaws out of my bleeding soul. Read more: http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=39&newsid=115537

  • Just wanted to share this report on the latest on the ground

  • Ray

    In the absence of any meaningful commentaries in our newspapers, I have been combimg the internet for some sober bloggers.

    There are some very sober ones on this website:-


    Some are some that caught my attention:-

    “The Misadventure of the Kenyan Intellectual”


    “Let us not find revolutionaries where there are none”


    “Daniel arap Moi: An Essential Link Between Kenya’s Past and Painful Present”


    “Kenya’s Crisis: A Drama Scripted For The Last Five Years”


    Also, if you do a search for “Moi”, you might get some more interesting commentaries.

  • Ishara

    I could see the potential for violence spiraling out of control and lets be honest, so could most of you.

    Here’s something I wrote on Jan 3rd:

    “Do you fail to realize that the dead come from communities other than the one YOU happen to be from?

    Neither ODM nor PNU has control over this beast that has taken over our Nation, wananchi have exhibited a disturbing tendency to listen to the ODM/PNU leaders with only one ear.

    The vast majority of wananchi have not been receptive to repetitive calls for peace….I hear calls for peace over the radio, I watch calls for peace over the televison, I read calls for peace in the papers….from ODM, from PNU, from community elders, from church elders, from African leaders, from the Red Cross, from the United Nations, from the European Union, from Foreign nations including the United States, Britain, Canada and Japan just to name a few but wananchi by and large have ignored ALL of them.

    It is a fact that NONE of our leaders is living their daily lives in the midst of this chaos and violence and as such these leaders cannot understand the PAIN involved in loosing a mother, a father, a child, a sister, a brother , a grandparent or even losing an arm or a leg or getting raped/forcibly circumcised….it does NOT matter WHO took the lives of the loved ones or so gravely injured or abused them, what seems to matter now is that SOMEONE, ANYONE across the divide must PAY.”

    Kenyans have in the past and continue today to exhibit a callous and borderline obscene disregard (yes, I said it!) for those who are NOT members of their own community (and we all know it). So just when is it that his pain or her pain or indeed their pain becomes OUR pain?

    With the “official” death toll now at 800, must we watch, wait and pray until this inferno extinguishes itself?

  • Sijui

    Sorry folks but many people on this thread are deluding themselves! The grieviances that people are acting out CAN NO LONGER BE CONTAINED BY LEADERS, OR POLITICIANS OR AUTHORITY IN GENERAL.

    If either RAILA OR KIBAKI went out and pleaded with people to stop the bloodletting, they would be roundly IGNORED! The legitimacy of the political process and political hierarchy has been destroyed so don’t expect people to take seriously any overtures by ‘leaders’ even the ones they support!

    The situation is deteriorating rapidly because of that very fact; the only hope now is for a reconstitution of legitimacy and credibility that is PERCEIVED to be FAIR and EQUITABLE by the masses. All Kenyans have to work overtime in this effort….and the media instead of idiotic and hollow appeals for the LEADERS TO CALM THEIR SUPPORTERS should be urging a NATIONAL DEBATE ON HOW TO REBUILD THE NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS THAT GUARANTEE ALL KENYANS A STAKE AND THE BENEFITS OF THE POLITICAL PROCESS. That is where we must focus our energies, and soon enough as the structures of state break down completely we will be forced to do.

  • All you people have your heads firmly in the sand (h dreaming of the good old days ). Two things MUST happen for there to be peace in Kenya:

    (i)A federal system with very strong regional governments and weak central government OR
    (ii) (best)Two separate states, one led by ODM, the other by PNU

    All else, is a postponing the problem. The cry for “peace peace” is good, well meaning, but it is like telling a woman with birth pains who is about to deliver a baby “quiet quiet”. All so good, but misplaced.

    KENYA has a perfect opportunity to solve the 45+ year old problem once for all, but everybody is simply focusing on the short term pain and seeking a band-aid solution: peace.

    Ever heard of a nation that came into being without birth pains?

  • John Charo


    I just reread the article in the link “Ok to kill Kikuyu’s” Actually there’s a lot wrong in what Raila said that day. “Our people are being killed like dogs.” He said.
    Which people?!!! What about those killed in Eldoret?!!! He also reckons that 30 million people will stand up to Kibaki and his 100,000 strong police force. He’s conveniently forgotten that of the 30 million only slightly above 4 million voted for him. How that translates to 30 million is beyond me and any maths that I was taught.

    Whats my point? I’m tired of all the rhetoric and propaganda coming from both sides. Lets call them out when they say things that don’t make any sense. Whats messing the country is that we blindly follow what our political leaders say. I could give countless stories of people from both sides of the political divide who followed their leaders blindly. Some were quite educated (professors I might add) dispelling the myth that its only the uneducated poor that do this.

  • Pragmatic

    For those of us in the diaspora, I think we need to start preparing for the humanitarian crisis. I am in the US, does anyone know of reputable refugee organizations? I think volunteering now, and getting a lay of the land which will prepare us for the coming onslaught. I never thought I would see the day of Kenyan refugees.

  • Have just received news that lorries of Mungiki have just arrived at Ngong Hills Township. If this is true. I fear for all families which will be terrorised and perish tonight. I have very close friends and relatives living there

  • John Charo

    I have just read with utter disdain the statement by ODM MPs. They claim that they cannot get to their supporters since public rallies have been banned. When they called for mass protests, how did they get that message across?!!!! Let them not fool us. if they want the message to get across they can do it.

    Lest anyone jump in and say that I seem to be supporting the ban, let me state categorically that I disagree with the way the government has behaved. It is however hypocritical for ODM leaders to try and convince us that they can’t get to their followers. We are getting wise to their machinations and will not stand for it at all!!!!!! So are they trying to tell us that the killing will continue unless they get to appear on TV? It doesn’t stop there. It has to be on live TV. (I’m assuming thats the case because only live broadcasts have been banned). Whats so hard about recording a message calling for peace?

    A message to both PNU and ODM: We want our brothers and sisters to live in peace. PERIOD!!!!! Stop misusing us so that you and your cronies can earn a few millions. The time for excuses is over. WE WANT THE KILLING TO STOP!!!!!

  • mose

    There was tribal and political violence during the campaigns (b4 elections). ODM supporters against PNU and vice versa. Over 20 people died. Lots more were injured. The rumours about rigging intensified the tension during the counting delay.

    I haven’t read the HR report, but the violence may not have been re-planned.

    Of course planned or not, it must be stopped. But what what do Kibaki, Raila, Kalonzo, Moi and other top politicians have stake? Their reputation? Land? Each of them are gaining more mileage now from their henchmen and the poor panga wielding supporters. And at the end of the day, their “compromise” or whatever it will take to quell the violence will be praised on international media.
    My point? Solutions will have to come from outside of the political elite. Long-lasting peace, that is.

  • TK

    Yet another Sad Day!!!:cry:

  • SM

    NPR-type radio station is very feasible in Kenya. People all over the world and across professional and age lines desire to be informed as has been so clearly demonstrated by the variety of people that tune into NPR. If it were really compelling content, even matatus would begin to carry the shows and put an end to the loud ear-splitting “crank that Soulja-Boy” crap that they serve up everyday.

  • TK



    “no justice, no peace”, “no raila, no peace, and now, “no kibaki, no peace”. I wonder what this little girl is thinking? I wonder if our selfish “leaders” see the pain in her eyes? I wonder if she wondering why the police can’t protect her and her family? I wonder if she asking why me? Why did my neighbors turn against us? I wonder if she is asking, didn’t they see I was just a kid? I wonder if those MPs with their hefty pay checks are thinking about her? I WONDER!

    I want to argue Kenyans everywhere to reach out to their fellow KENYANS and start the healing process…we need to pray, we need to find a way to stop the killings. If these killings are no stopped NOW, than no one will be safe including those in the “safe” areas.

    Does anyone know how we can get/guess email addresses for elected MPs, the President, Raila, etc to be posted online so we can bombard them with emails asking them to STOP THE KILLINGS NOW!!! At this point, a state of emergency is ok until the killings end!

  • TK

    Kenyans who live in the US please contact your Senator and arge them to support the Kenyan bill mentioned in the link below. No ODM Pentagon member and PNU government official and their families should be allowed to leave Kenya until they show a concerted effort to stop the killings and find a solution to the current crisis. ! PLEASE CONTACT YOUR SENATOR!!!


  • Alani

    No retreat, says ODM at service

    Published on January 22, 2008, 12:00 am

    By Standard Team

    An emotional Mr Raila Odinga flew to his violence-battered hometown of Kisumu and declared that nothing would deter Kenyans from their quest for justice.

    Making his first visit to the lakeside town since the post-election violence broke out across the country after President Kibaki’s disputed re-election, Raila ran into thousands of equally emotional supporters, many of who broke down and wept.

    Pall-bearers carry caskets bearing bodies at the Moi Stadium, Kisumu, during a funeral service for victims of police brutality. Picture by James Keyi

    The Lang’ata MP, who was accompanied by ODM Pentagon members, Mr Musalia Mudavadi and Mr William Ruto, fought back tears as he viewed bodies of some of the more than 100 people killed in the town.

    He then addressed an ecumenical prayer service at the Moi Stadium for those killed in the region.

    “These people killed by (State) agents are the heroes of this country. They died while demanding justice,” said Raila as he wiped tears with a white handkerchief.

    He said ODM would file a case of crimes against humanity against President Kibaki at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands.

    The killings by police across, he claimed, had been well planned by the Government.

    Overwhelmed by the presence of church leaders and the victims’ relatives, Raila stared into the sky for seconds then declared: “Our people are being killed like dogs, but no amount of bullets and intimidation will stop us from getting back the seat we won during the elections.”

    He told the crowd that filled the 30,000-capacity stadium to keep up the fight until Kibaki vacated State House “for its rightful owners”.

    At one stage, silence fell on the stadium when Raila broke into a song: “Sitarudi nyuma milele”. And the crowd roared back in support.

    A crowd at the funeral service for the people killed in post-election violence, on Monday. Mr Raila Odinga and other ODM leaders attended the prayers at the Moi Stadium in Kisumu.

    As the cries reached a crescendo, Raila appeared overwhelmed by the demands and asked to be given one of the placards that had a touching message.

    He temporarily held the placard aloft before passing it over to Kisumu Town West MP, Mr John Olago Aluoch.

    Raila told ODM supporters in Nyanza to return to the streets on Thursday to press for Kibaki’s resignation.

    “We are resuming mass action on Thursday. The fight continues,” he thundered.

    The thousands of people who braved the afternoon sweltering heat and swirling dust had been waiting for Raila since 8am.

    When the Lang’ata MP arrived shortly after noon, they rushed to meet him, causing a security scare.

    Many could be heard crying that Raila had grown thin. “Ma ekak jogi chando wuodwa. Ose mana dhero kod juma achiel yawa! (This is how these people are persecuting our son. He is already thin).

    Then they began to sing freedom songs. “Baba Yetu Raila Odinga, Tawala Kenya, Tawala!… “No Raila, No Peace! No Raila, No schooling! We Don’t Want Peace! We Want Justice! And Kibaki Must Go!”

    They also turned their anger at Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, whom they accused of sending soldiers to Kenya to kill ODM supporters.

    “Museveni’s soldiers are killing our people!” they chanted.

    Raila asked the Luo to live peacefully with their Kisii neighbours, saying the Abagusii community had overwhelmingly voted for him, but their votes “had been stolen by President Kibaki”.

    “We should have seven of the 10 parliamentary seats in Kisii, but Kibaki men stole the votes and we only got four. The Kisii are our people. We must not touch them,” he said.

    Raila said he was ready to talk to Kibaki, but only in the presence of an international mediator.

    “Kibaki lost the elections and must vacate State House now. He is illegally sitting there,” he said.

    Earlier, Ruto and Mudavadi had worked up the crowds when they said they had prepared two questions for the former United Nations Secretary-General, Mr Kofi Annan, who is set to chair mediation talks.

    “We will ask Mr Annan why Kibaki has not gone back to Othaya after losing the presidential elections. We will also ask why Raila’s swearing-in ceremony as the Fourth President of the Republic of Kenya has been delayed.”

    Ruto said: “We shall also ask Mr Annan why we cannot go for repeat elections if some people are doubting that Raila did, indeed, win.”

    Said he: “Our position is clear. Kibaki cannot be president by force because no amount of guns will keep him in power.”

    Ruto accused Kibaki and his Cabinet of playing politics as the country burned.

    “They are behaving as if nothing is happening, yet thousands of people have been killed, injured or lost their homes,” he said.

    Mudavadi said Kibaki’s team had started to fan tribal clashes in various parts of the country to create fear among ODM supporters.

    “We have evidence that the Government has sensed that there could be a re-run of the presidential election and are causing panic in ODM strongholds,” said Mudavadi.

    He added: “They are inciting our people to fight so that they will not vote when a re-run is called.”

    The prayers were organised by more than 20 denominations. Catholic Archbishop Zaccheus Okoth and Bishop Mwai Abiero of the Anglican Church led the Mass.

    MPs present were Mr Aluoch (Kisumu Town West), Mr Ochieng’ Daima (Nyakach), Mr Shakeel Shabbir (Kisumu Town East), Mr Charles Lilechi (Shinyalu) and Mr Manyala Keya (Lurambi).

    There were light moments when the crowd demanded that a Legio Maria priest who had been left out of the programme be allowed to pray.

    Cries of ‘Legio! Legio” forced the organisers to usher in the Rev Ouma Janabi, who was dressed in sacks, to offer a winding up prayer.

    Earlier in Kakamega, ODM vowed not to relent in its drive to have Kibaki step down following last year’s disputed elections, saying he did not win the presidential elections.

    Raila said Government officials had misused police officers “by instructing them to act adversely against those who rejected the presidential results”.

    “I know you are very angry and you have every right to feel so. Your victory was stolen by the same people who are now killing you,” he said.

    He urged Kenyans not to give up, saying ODM was still determined to get what was rightfully theirs.

    “Like the River Nile, we have come all the way from Cherangani Hills in Kenya to Lake Victoria then Sudan and Egypt. We are now near the delta,” said Raila.

    The team held inter-denominational prayers for people killed by police during the mass protests.

    On landing at the Kakamega Airstrip, the team proceeded to the Kakamega Provincial General Hospital to visit victims of violence.

    Raila claimed that the Electoral Commission of Kenya Chairman, Mr Samuel Kivuitu, was forced to announce the flawed results or face dire consequences.

    He said Kibaki would not succeed in using the police force to remain in office illegitimately.

    “Kibaki has about 100,000 security officers against over 30 million Kenyans,” he said.

    Ruto said ODM would continue to put pressure until justice was done and Kenyans got the president of their choice.

    “You become president by winning, not by being defeated. Our victory has been delayed, but we will eventually get it,” said Ruto.

    More than 50 people died in Kakamega, Butere, Mumias and Lugari districts during the election violence.

    Kakamega Provincial General Hospital Medical Superintendent, Dr Godrick Onyango, told the Pentagon members that most of the victims brought to the hospital had gun wounds.

    “We have established that a 53 people died from bullet wounds,” said Onyango.

    He said the number could be higher since other bodies had been buried and not reported, especially in Mumias, Webuye and Butere.

    In Vihiga District, Mudavadi heard that 36 cases had been reported at Mbale District Hospital.

    Mudavadi, who met the Medical Officer of Health, Dr D Ong’ong’a, said it was unfair for Government security organs to use excessive force against innocent people exercising their democratic rights.

    Ong’ong’a said of the 36, 18 people had died, 15 from gunshot wounds.

    A 15-year-old boy was among those shot in the back.

    “The boy died,” said Ong’ong’a.

    Another victim, Mr Arthur Kidiga, told the ODM leaders that he had lost his legs.

    — Reports by John Oywa, Peter Atsiaya, Allan Kisia and Joel Okwayo

  • mzalendo#2

    Seems we’re in for a new round of bloodletting, including political assassinations (not confirmed): see what happened to the new Embakasi MP, Mr. Mugabe Were, at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7214558.stm

  • Isindu Mwangaza

    An aside: Is an independent radio station carrying mostly news and NPR type interest stories feasible in Kenya?]

    Prior to 12/27 the concept was feasible and several friends and I had explored a media platform based on PBS & NPR. We identified a variety of obstacles and with the exception of operational costs with a break even projection 24 months, it turned out to be feasible. Outside its ‘romantic’ appeal, going digital would facilitate a possible XM channel down the road to cover a greater audience.

    Post 12/27, its anyones guess how politics will affect red-tape among other obstacles that come with the current state of affairs. In other terms, success of such an initiative is currently hostage to the political dynamics and limits diversification.

    PS: We ought not to be surprised by Mr.Kibaki’s allies ability to manipulate anything. They just demonstrated their audacity yet again by misrepresenting Lord Malloch Brown’s sentiments.

    Also: Mugabe Were, ODM MP just got shot in Nairobi……I’m shell shocked.

  • TK

    ODM MP is killed. My fellow Kenyans, the rules of engagement are changing fast and this whole crisis is beyond our arrogant senseless politicians. My friends,we need to pray very hard for our country. I said it in an earlier posting, I fear no place in Kenya will be safe unless this whole crisis is solved RIGHT NOW.

  • Ishara

    Here we are, we just lost the member of Parliament for Embakasi, the late Hon. Mugabe Were (ODM).

    Where we are headed now that assasinations have began is difficult to contemplate because the potential for revenge going back and forth is increasing by the day!

    article here

    Mr. Kiraithe has avoided all references to the movie “Rambo” in this instance and for that small courtesy I suppose we may be thankful.

  • Kenyan damu

    Mugabe Were dead. M.P. for one month. Meanwhile he who calls himself President maintains his sleepy silence.

  • Caz

    The Peace in Kenya initiative is a very good idea especially if it can draw in voices from all communities that have been affected and begin to address their grievances.

    Kenya needs a plebiscite to be set up immediately in which these voices can be heard loud and clear.

    Let Kibaki and Odinga continue to wrangle over power-sharing deals – they after all can drive around with convoys of security but it’s the mama mbogas that walk unescorted to their fields and risk their lives, like the 48 tea-pickers who were killed recently.

    Let Kenyans teach these leaders how democracy is carried out. It is precisely these top-down approaches which have led to over 50% of Kenya being marginalised.

  • Ory,

    As far as I know the internet is not policed. However I feel I bloggers have the right to moderate comments.

    You may not have come across this article, but the site owners had to reveal where a website in the UK forced people who commented to reveal their identity.


    This is another interesting article on freedom of speech in the blogosphere


  • הובלות

    i? love this song so much