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Thank you to Ushahidi volunteers!

One of the best/most amazing things about Ushahidi has been the spirit of community that has surrounded it since its inception. We certainly wouldn’t be where we are today without the individuals who have stepped up to give generous amounts of their time and skill for no other reason other than the fact that they believe in what we are trying to build and accomplish (speaking of which, huge thanks to everyone who responded to my call for translators!).

As we work on de-bugging the alpha version and on building the archive of the Kenyan post-election crisis, we’d like to send a special shout out to two Kenyans – Wambui and Dipesh – who are helping us populate the archive by entering data from the numerous documents we have been collecting from local NGOs. We are still looking for more reports/pictures/video from that period – if you have stuff to update please enter it directly in to the legacy site or get in touch with us at: info-at-ushahidi-dot-com

1 comment to Thank you to Ushahidi volunteers!

  • Jane Katuga

    Hi, congrats for this initiative! I have quite some info on the post elections happenings but am not very clear why/how you intend to use the info. Once clear, am quite happy to share. Please clarify
