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Entpreneurship Opportunity for Africans in Europe

“The World Bank Group and its partners announce the Development Marketplace for African Diaspora in Europe (D-MADE) Grant Competition. The competition seeks innovative project ideas from entrepreneurial African diaspora in Europe that generate employment, business support, training and incomes for the poor and disadvantaged. Ten to 15 winners will receive grant funding up to $40,000. […]

Quick Hits

– Challenges of getting Africa connected. What about an alternative (be sure to read the comments as well)? I’m just curious why I don’t see much attention on efforts to bring electricity to all African homes….well first, are there even focused efforts? If not, what’s the hold up?

– Nice gem from Benn Loxo […]

African Content Projects

I’m a huge proponent of building and showcasing our local (African) content rather than bitching up a storm about how neglected we are…here’s two opportunities to do so.

First, the African Cookbook Project launched by the indefatigable Fran Osseo-Asare at TED Global. Please hop over and find out how to contribute…you know when you […]

TED Global 2007 Musings: Session 1

My random musings….

– Euvin Naidoo: Good start…during his talk I was basically thinking -damn he has his speech memorized…I haven’t even finished my slides…I need to get my shit together. I’m also thinking all the stats he is citing about investing in Africa are great, but wouldn’t it be great to have a one-stop […]

WTF Story of the Week

My mantra for Africa lately, which I repeated at TED Global, is that after all has been said and said again, we need action and we need to take responsibility for our continent’s future…Shikwati says to the West “Stop the aid, please!” I say to the Africans, “Stop the whining and pointing fingers, please!.” Instead […]

African blog spotlight

Africaincorp: smorgasboard of Africa related links.

AOB: ODM-Kenya (not sure if this is the official site) links to Mzalendo…hhmm.

Quick hits

– Imnakoya comments on Black Looks post on poor links among African bloggers. I used to do a lot of his point one i.e. link to other Kenyan/African bloggers at least every couple of days, but this habit dropped off as I got busier and spent less time blogging. I will do my best to […]

TED Africa’s Speakers List

A sneak preview into what’s shaping up to be an amazing line-up (including yours truly…hehehe).