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Asking why not instead of why…

About this time last year, Live 8 was dominating the Kenyan and African blogosphere. One theme that emerged from the discussion was that while ranting and raving and making ourselves be heard was all well and good, it (blogoactivism?) doesn’t do much to address the realities and challenges of the continent.

Over the last […]

Quick hits

– Hash get’s his manifesto published (Yeah!).

– For those people who are thinking about doing projects in Africa and Kenya in particular, please read this report by MIT students who were recently working on several projects. Why? First, it shows that you can have your cake AND eat it (M’s post notwithstanding). Being […]

Google-bombing for Alaa

Some governEgyptments think they can trampEgyptle the rights of those that oppEgyptose them and noEgyptone will notEgyptice. Well, that fact is changEgypting and we are changEgypting it.

All bloggers are encouraged to support this campaign. Today it’s Alaa, tomorrow it could be you.

Technorati tags: alaa, egypt, googlebombingforalaa


We Media conference

I was one of the speakers during the Africa session. Wilfred Kiboro was also one of the panelists and it was quite interesting to hear him wax eloquently about how the Nation was all about new media and how their main problem was lack of trained journalists (or did I hear him wrong?? I hate […]

Thanks! (Kaybee Awards)

Kenyan Pundit won the award for best political blog. To everyone who nominated me, voted for me, encouraged me to keep going, THANK YOU!!! And congratulations to all the other nominees and winners…the KBW is testament to the (underacknowledged and often hidden) vibrancy and talent that Kenya holds, and for me always a source of […]

Voting time for the first Kenyan Blog Awards

The VERY first official Kenyan bloggers meetup was in December 2003 at ka-Choi and was attended by two bloggers – myself and Unganisha. He was the only person blogging from Nairobi at the time. Back then I’d search Technorati and Google every single day for new Kenyan blogs to add to my blog roll. Now […]

African blogosphere hits the mainstream press…

First, the Nigerian blogosphere was recently featured in the mainstream press. And the Washington Post featured Sudanese rebels who are running their rebellions via blogs. Then Thinker and other Kenyan bloggers get profiled in the Standard (with proper attribution and all!) courtesy of this post.

AOB: Mtaa FM.