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Ushahidi website relaunched and other big news

So I’ve tinkered in a lot of activism / tree-hugging / save the world type endeavors in the last few (or more) years most of which have not achieved the notoriety of Mzalendo or Ushahidi…largely because I’ve been unable to clone myself, sometimes inertia, and then there’s that pesky problem of paying the bills. I’m […]

Quick Hits

Lots of goodies today:

– Mama Mikes keep up the innovation by launching their blog. Already lots of interesting stories about what it takes to make MamaMikes tick.

– Speaking of Mama Mikes, you HAVE to read this post by Mental.

– Hash’s neat Africa Web 2.0 collage has been updated.

– Safaricom […]

World Changing Book is here

Those of you who regularly read the World Changing blog will be happy to know that the World Changing book is scheduled for release in early November – you can pre-order your copy now.

Even if you are not familiar with the World Changing site, check out the book any way. Why? Because you […]

Quick hits

What did we used to do before RSS again???

– So Charles Taylor has been captured and that’s excellent news but I would have liked to see more balanced coverage of the story as far as Nigeria’s role. As Chippla points out, “Without a doubt, the Nigerian government was pissed off by such a move […]

Links galore…

Couple of neat things I’ve come across lately (and yes this is a cop-out post).

– Project Vibe, great online radio site especially if you are a soul head.

– Artsite Africa “Artsite Africa seeks to provide an ever growing and meticulously maintained repository of news and information, illuminating the rich heritage and […]

Because I’m sick and tired of Kenyan politics…

…the Washington Post remixed, some neat African art, and when Google isn’t specific enough…”I want to….”

Random stuff

So I have been working on coming up with alternative ways (i.e. non-“development aid) of solving some of the challenges facing Africa, I’m still hooked on the prize/competition idea as a way to spurn innovation, especially if combined with a mentoring element. I just came across Google’s Summer of Code page and thought it was […]


– Harriet Miers has a blog. Hilarious. Hat tip Jeremy Blachman! For those of you who are interested in all the punditing about the Miers Supreme Court nomination, check out this roundup by Howard Kurtz.

– The Illuminated Continent: Google Earth teams up with National Geographic to bring you stunning images of Africa.
