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Voting day…news from the ground.

So, D-day is finally here. This has been democracy in action…all the ugliness of the campaign process aside. I didn’t get to vote, much to my disappointment, because I was still in the U.S when the voter registration period ended. I was an official observer though, so I did get a “taste” of the voting […]

Images from the Referendum Process

Orange Supporters Outside Court Originally uploaded by ateka.

Orange supporters awaiting for Raila et. al to emerge from court after Tuesday’s ruling on the validity of the referendum

Images from the Referendum

Court_Ruling5 Originally uploaded by ateka.

Hon. Khaniri and Titus Mbithi leaving the court after the hearing on the nolle on Tuesday.

Update II on the nolle hearing

It’s been a crazy busy day…no time to blog. Just wanted to say that the nolle accepted, the charges against Mr. Mbathi and Hon. Khaniri were thrown out. Ruling was predictable, particularly because the magistrate is bound by lots of bad Chunga-era law. Details to come when I get a chance.

Update on nolle hearing

Here is the official version of events. We are back in court for the ruling tomorrow morning…I predict that we will lose, and the nolle will proceed. If that happens, the Commission should be filing two more cases either on Friday or Monday. Maybe Wako will run out of nolles eventually. My personal observations to […]

Referendum is still on

Ruling was issued a bit ago. Concerns about plunging the country into chaos seem to have prevailed. I’m off to court in a hour to watch our legal team try and stall the nolle and hopefully rewrite private prosecution law. Chances of success are slim…wish us luck!

Use of hate speech and language that is likely to incite violence during the referendum campaigns

The following information was part of a paid advertisement published in the Daily Nation and the Standard since the press could not be relied upon to publish the full list.

“So far, there have been too many examples of language that constitutes the crimes of incitement to violence and hate speech along ethnic or […]

Referendum goss…

The latest on the grapevine is that Yes is totally running scared (this whole thing was a big miscalculation on their part, they underestimated their unpopularity), and will use it’s influence on the courts to kill the referendum. Ruling is to be issued on Tuesday.