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Kenyans for Kenya

A group of Kenyans have been quietly working to address the issue of negative ethnicity/tribalism through honest and productive dialogue.

Their Kenyans for Kenya Newsletter summarizing a recent round of dialogue has some interesting insight.

My first political memory

Inspired by (no longer fellow delinquent blogger) Mama Junkyard.

I grew up with a father who was a politics junkie – no surprise that I become one myself. He did not live long enough to see the end of the Moi era, so most of my memories of political discussion in my household involve epithets […]

TJRC Kenya is hiring

[EDIT – Link is fixed].

The Truth and Justice Reconciliation Commission is hiring. See TJRC-positions_BW for details.

Closing date for applications January 25th.

Another resource to help understand the draft Constitution

CRECO and others have helped together this helpful breakdown of what’s contained in the draft constitution – changes, principles behind the changes etc.

DC People – Githongo speaks at CSIS

Prospects for Political Reform in Kenya

a discussion with

John Githongo

Kenyan anti-corruption campaigner

moderated by

William M. Bellamy

Director of the ACSS and former ambassador to Kenya

Friday, December 18, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Illustrated version of the harmonized draft constitution

This illustrated version of the draft constitution is actually very helpful in helping understand the proposed changes.  Kudos to Njeri Gakonyo for putting it together.

Kuweni Serious

Website of the week – young Kenyans speak out - Kuweni Serious (hat-tip @afromusing).  It’s relatively new, hope they keep up the content.

….we at Kuweni Serious – we’re a bunch of kids ourselves – have decided to go out there and find out: how do Kenya’s youth feel about all the chaos around […]

Full Mau List

Supposedly full list of Mau beneficiaries who want compensation.


This is just pure thievery!