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Kenyan protestors arrested for wearing T-shirts!!!!

Via Sukuma Kenya:

Caroline Mutoko of Kiss FM and Mwalimu Mati of Mars Group Kenya are among those who have this morning been arrested at the Nyayo National Stadium, Nairobi. The two have been taken to the Langata police station. 60 other Kenyans are also being bundled into waiting police vehicles and it appears […]

Join in the civic action against greedy Kenyan MPs

Click here for all the details of how you can participate – from buying a t-shirt to marching in protest on Dec 12th. As the community in Kibera demonstrated, the politicians only respond when you make your voices heard clearly so please make your voices heard.

Animation seminar at Sarit – Dec 6th

This looks like it will be a very interesting event. The organizers hope to break the myths surrounding animation in Kenya, such as it’s a “foreign art” and that you need big expensive computers to do it well. The event is expected to be “an amazing opportunity for Kenyan design geeks and animation enthusiasts to […]

Book Launch

Mau Mau Research Centre and Prof. Maina wa Kinyatti cordially invite you to the launch of the Book – HISTORY OF RESISTANCE IN KENYA 1884-2002 authored by Maina wa Kinyatti on Friday 28th November 2008 between 5.30 – 7.30 pm at GOETHE-INSTITUT NAIROBI Guest Speakers:

· Hon. James Orengo- Minister for Lands

· His Excellency […]

Mama Mike’s E-Goat

Paying your first dowry installment via the internet?

It is possible, with Mama Mikes….you HAVE to watch this video!

People are truly creative.

Activists arrested for distributing t-shirts and dvds

Two Kenyan activists Wangui Mbatia and and Ken Ochieng Onguka were arrested this morning at Jeevanjee gardens and charged this afternoon with “unlawful procession” at the Kibera Law Courts

They have been released on Kshs 20,000 cash bail.

The t-shirts were protesting the Kenyans MPs recent rejection of taxes (No taxes for MP’S – […]

KNCHR full report on extra-judicial killings

The full report has been leaked on Wikileaks. Summary report is available on KNCHR’s website.

UN Procurement Scandal in Kenya – full report

Hat tip to my trusty source! (now if someone can unleash those Waki names…)

The UN’s procurement task force recently unraveled a procurement corruption scandal at the UN offices in Nairobi. You can now read the full report here: un. I just skimmed over it…boy is the process bureaucratic or what? I’m sure there’s lots […]