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CDF Review Task Force Meetings

Public meetings being held in Nairobi tomorrow, see here for details.

Kenya on the Brink Conference Video

In case you needed confirmation that Kenys is in the hands of a bunch of jokers (to put it mildly). Conference video is up here.

Hat tip @nairobinotes.

Storymoja Hay Festival: 31st July – 2nd Aug

This looks AMAZING! Wish I could be there…

What is the Storymoja Hay Festival?

A three day international celebration of stories, ideas, writing and contemporary culture through storytelling, mchongoano, music, books, live discussion forums, demonstrations, workshops, open-mike sessions, debates, exhibitions, live performances and competitions. It is organised as collaboration between the Hay Festival (UK) and […]

Commissioners for the Kenyan TJRC announced

Pretty solid line-up (see I’m not always critical of the govt!).

Amb. Bethuel A. Kiplagat – Chairman Ms. Betty Murungi – Vice – Chairperson Tom Ojienda Ms. Margaret Wambui Ngugi Shava Ms. Tecla Namachanja Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Ahmed Sheikh Farah

International Experts: Ms. Gertrude Chawatama – Zambia Berhanu Dinka – Ethiopia Ronald Siye […]

Historical context of Isiolo/Samburu raids/violence

Underlying the recent flare-up of violence in the area is a complex history, and though the natural inclination is to dismiss the news reports as the typical “banditry” and “cattle-rustling” that goes on in Northern/North-Eastern Kenya and point to the current drought as the trigger (lack of water / pasture is playing a role but […]

Kenya on the Brink: Democratic Renewal or Deepening Conflict?

For DC folks, sorry for the late notice just got this yesterday. Marende and other parliamentarians expected to be in attendance.

Date: July 22, 2009

Location: National Endowment for Democracy, 1025 F St, NW Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004


8:30– 9:00 Continental Breakfast

9:00– 9:30 Opening Address by Congressman Don Payne

9:30– 10:45 […]

Update on Isiolo/Samburu: must read

I’m posting reports that I’ve received in response to my earlier post, I’ve not verified the information but the sources appear credible and at the very least warrant further investigation.

Kenyan media. Again. Please step up. What the frick is going in in North Eastern Kenya?

Citizen reporters, please keep the info coming. […]

What the hell is going on in Isiolo/Samburu?

Two days ago, I received an email from a friend of a friend asking if I had any knowledge of what was going on in the Samburu area as far attacks on indigenous Samburu people by government forces. I had vaguely recalled seeing the usual “government chasing cattle rustlers” story in the newspapers over the […]