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Update 2 from Annan conference in Geneva

Following points were raised about the ICC:

– It takes long – Cambodia process started way back in 2002, that’s six years.

– The court can only handle a few perpetrators so it needs to be reserved for the big fry…what happens to middle/lower level guys?

– For many reasons (including above) it […]

Update 1 from Geneva – KNDR (Annan) Conference

I’m tired and sleepy, but the show must go on.

I arrived in Geneva for the Annan conference on Kenya this morning and haven’t had a chance to rest…too much going on.

I’ve been invited specifically because of my role as a blogger during the post election violence – which is huge – […]

Public Forum on Contemporary Nairobi

Date: 27 March 2009 Venue: 680 Time: 9:00 – 4:00 (lunch served)

Jazz in the Park

Featuring the best of Afro-funk, soul and jazz.

Location: Sunken Nairobi law court parking Date: April 12, 2009 – 11 a.m Entrance: Packet of unga (for charity)

British High Commissioner’s Blog

The British High Commissioner to Kenya is blogging, and he’d like to know what topics you’d want him to cover.

Open letter to PM Raila Odinga on assasination of activists

Full text can be found here.

Update on assasination of Oscar and GPO

Via Dipesh at Sukuma – a comment left on his blog:

“I was there in person to witness our activist shot to dead . It was a shocking scenario that will never be erased from my mind.Six bullets in a somebody’s head ,reason …he is a threat to the police extrajudicial findings ,as a […]

Two Civil Society Activists Murdered in Nairobi

What the fuck is going on in Kenya???? Is the police state creeping back???

I don’t think I can get anymore despondent about the direction in which things are going….

Below, an official statement by KNCHR and other civil society organizations.