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Report on implementation of coalition govt

A report prepared by South Consulting on the implementation of the agreements from the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation (KNDR) is now available on the KNDR website.

LA Times on the late Father Kaiser

While the absurdity of a former dictator (Moi) and two corrupt incompetents (Raila & Kibaki) helping us figure out the “Kenya We Want” in an expensive conference sinks in, lets take a moment to remind ourselves just how bad things were during the Moi years (hat tip DW!).

EDIT: Part 3 of the series […]

Quick Hits: Feb 5

– For those who took pictures with the ubiquitous Obama cutout, notice his hands were white?

– Interesting NYTimes look at Google’s venture into internet infrastructure in Kenya/Africa.

– Google local search for Nairobi launched.

– Macharia Gaitho’s op-ed on the Molo tragedy is a MUST read. Money quote: Whether super-rich or dirt-poor, […]

Kenyan activists in action

In a few days maybe I’ll be able to stop frothing at the mouth at the barrage of terrible headlines coming from Kenya.

Until then, something positive.

I constantly complain about the penchant for Kenyans to be permanently outraged about the state of their affairs, but then be unable to act upon their […]

Raila and the maize scandal

So I came across this memo to Raila today that was supposedly leaked by one of Anyang Nyong’os disgruntled juniors. The memo links Raila’s son Fidel to the missing maize. The reference to Denis is to the ODM PR guy Denis Onyango. Can’t vouch for the memo’s veracity though…it doesn’t seem like Anyang’s memo to […]

Cannibalistic Nation

A nation of cannibals. That is what we have become. Experts at finishing ours and our own. While immortalizing Obama on the other hand. Although if Obama’s life path would have led him to Kenya, we would have finished him too. Like we did his father.

These thoughts are inspired by the tragic death […]

Our country is turning into shit…

That line always cracked me up in the Blazing Saddles.

Not so funny when it is your country. All indications from everyone I’m talking to is that corruption is back to Moi’s brazen levels – KPC/Triton is just the tip of the iceberg.

And what in the crazy hell is Kimunya doing back […]

Writing Queer Kenya

On behalf of:

Editors: Keguro Macharia and Angus Parkinson

We lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex individuals, in a word, queers, have had the distinct un-pleasure of being told we don’t exist—in official government statements, historical documents, and contemporary statements. Well, we do.

We want Kenyan stories by Kenya-based and Kenya-born queers. About everything. […]