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Racial preferences and U.S. law firms – my two cents

The New York Times recently featured an article that examined the high rate of attrition of black attorneys at major U.S. corporate law firms. The article referred to a study by Professor Sander, which attributed the phenomenon to the fact that many law firms lower their standards when hiring minority students. According to the study, […]

Quick Hits

First, to everyone who left comments on the Mama Mike’s post in response to my question on the entrepreneurship conundrum in Kenya – thanks! A post in response is cooking in the kitchen.

On to the links – Starbucks and Ethiopia in a coffee branding war.

– Google Maps and the equivalent of Netflix […]

More quick hits…

– Looks like Bitange Ndemo is answering questions regarding EASSY on Mashada. Wow! A must read. Even had diaspora folk flummoxed

– The governor of Cross River State in Nigeria has a blog. It’s quite informative. Hat tip Banks!

– For techies (and if you’re interested in a nifty mobile instant messaging app that […]

Quick Hits

China’s African adventure (NYTimes Magazine piece).

– Phonezoo – find and share ringtones.

– Spurred on by the debate around the lack of diversity at blogging indaba in Grahamstown, Tanzania bloggers hold a virtual conference.

Some observations on George Bush Land

It’s been interesting to see that’s there’s very little I miss about the U.S.

The good

: – Worry-free high speed internet. I have reasonably fast access at home and work in Joburg, but it’s very expensive and you have to constantly worry about exceeding data caps.

– Retail and late shopping hours. Though […]

Swan song of sorts…

…for me in the United States.

Long time readers of KP know that my departure from the U.S. to Kenya (and now South Africa) was cushioned with a parachute in the form of an open offer from one of the best and most selective law firms in the U.S. I’m not sure I would […]

Quick Hits

I’m on the road so posting will be light until the end of next week…

– The KNCHR report on the referendum (which I worked on) is out, you can download it here.

– Interesting community wireless mesh model.

– Pioneering, microloans online – the Kiva story on PBS. (Hat tip Ethan!)


Contract drafting -what law school doesn’t teach you

This link is for any law school students/newbie lawyers who read my blog.

I’ve been doing a lot of transactional work over the last few months and have been struck by just how little law school prepares you for contract drafting. In fact, Contract Law as it is currently taught in most law schools […]