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We Media Miami 2007

The next We Media Conference is being held at the University of Miami, February 8-9, 2007, with major support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The dual themes will be connecting digital services to physical communities – and how to finance those digital services.

Scholarships are available, deadline to apply is […]

World Changing Book is here

Those of you who regularly read the World Changing blog will be happy to know that the World Changing book is scheduled for release in early November – you can pre-order your copy now.

Even if you are not familiar with the World Changing site, check out the book any way. Why? Because you […]

Quickish hits…

Crazy week…I can see why business people hate lawyers, we make everything complicated

Moving on…

– Investing in Africa, guide to profitable opportunities in African stock markets (hat tip Cold Tusker!).

– You can now add Google Gadgets to your website.

Quick Hits

– Google’s new product test page – Search Mash.

– A film by Rachid Bouchareb is raising awareness about the plight of veterans of the French colonial army.

– For website/graphic designers some nifty Adobe tutorials.

– What exactly is President Bush’s job?

Opportunities for writers in Kenya/Africa

Couple of upcoming deadlines so read closely and don’t say you weren’t told….

1. TRAINING FOR WRITERS WITH SLS-KENYA Dec 14th – 21st Nairobi, Kenya, Dec 24th – 28th Lamu, Kenya For more information contact us info@kwani.org or visit http://www.sumlitsem.org/kenya

2. MONT PELERING ESSAY COMPETITION Interested in Freedom? Win a place at a conference in […]

Writing events in Nairobi

1. Kwani? Open Mic Poetry with a difference CELEBRATING KENYAN HEROES MC Mwaniki Mageria Poets are invited to submit their work on the theme “Celebrating Humour” to submissions@kwani.org Tue 3rd October 7pm, Club Soundd, Hamilton House, Kaunda StreetEntry KSh100 Only

Confirmation of participation will be communicated via email. The sound check will be held at […]

Welcome Nation readers!

First, I am a woman.

i.e. Ms. Ory Okolloh.

Kevin Kelley’s original article that was submitted to the Nation editors was gender-neutral, but the editors, in their wisdom, (wrongly) assumed that I was a man and stuck the Mr. label (perhaps influenced by gender stereotypes and the idea that the average Kenyan woman cannot […]


Posting will be light this week and early next week as I try and tie up some loose ends in Nairobi…mainly work around Mzalendo.

AOB: Someone on KBW, had done a post on “virginity soap” a couple of weeks ago…for the non-believers, was at Beauty Options on Kimathi Street jana and saw two brands […]